Schlumberger Petrel Training Manual Synthetic Seismogram

  1. Schlumberger Petrel Training Manual Synthetic Seismogram Theory

Petrel Seismic Well Tie enables interactive checkshot calibration of sonic log data, analytical wavelet creation, statistical and deterministic wavelet extraction, and synthetic seismogram generation for 2D and 3D seismic data. Integrated synthetic seismogram workflows unify, within the same canvas, the impact from the sonic calibration to the synthetic generation stage and the different versions of time/depth relations generated. The module includes a range of tools, visual displays, and operations, such as stretch and squeeze, interval velocity manipulation, reflection coefficient modeling, and comparison of time/depth curves for QC during the seismic well tie. Features. Generation of time-to-depth relationships throughout the calibration of checkshots with uncorrected sonic log data or use of Gardner’s equation to estimate sonic or density logs. Inclusion of correction functions such as polynomial, linear, or cubic fit. Creation of data-independent and data-dependent wavelets using the wavelet toolbox.

Wavelets can be estimated directly from the seismic data using various algorithms including signal-to-noise deterministic wavelet extraction, time-varying wavelet extraction, and multiwell extended white wavelet extraction.

. Topics. Audience. 4d56 gearbox workshop manual. Prerequisites. Topics.

Petrel user interface. Project setup and data preparation. Data optimization and mis-tie analysis. Seismic data visualization. Seismic intersections and data manipulation.

Checkshot data import, quality control, and conditioning. Sonic calibration. Synthetic seismogram generation. Wavelet generation. Fault interpretation.

Horizon interpretation. Seismic reconstruction 2D. Depth conversion. Audience Exploration and Development Geophysicists, Geologists and Geoscientists working with Seismic data.

Schlumberger Petrel Training Manual Synthetic Seismogram Theory


Prerequisites Petrel Fundamentals course or familiarity with Petrel Interface and core functions. General knowledge of petroleum geophysics and geology as well as elementary software skills are recommended. Prerequisites.