Owners Manual 2016 Xvs1100

. OWNER’S MANUAL XVS1100 5EL-28199-E1. EAU00001 Welcome to the Yamaha world of motorcycling! As the owner of a XVS1100, you are benefiting from Yamaha’s vast experience in and newest technology for the design and the manufacture of high-quality products, which have earned Yamaha a reputation for dependability. This manual should be considered a permanent part of this motorcycle and should remain with it even if the motorcycle is subsequently sold. Yamaha continually seeks advancements in product design and quality. Therefore, while this manual contains the most current product information available at the time of printing, there may be minor discrepancies between your motorcycle and this manual.



g ive safety the right of way EAU00021 Motorcycles are fascinating vehicles, which can give you an unsurpassed feeling of power and freedom. However, they also impose certain limits, which you must accept; even the best motorcycle does not ignore the laws of physics. Regular care and maintenance are essential for preserving your motorcycle’s value and operating condition. DESCRIPTION Left view. 2-1 Right view. 2-2 Controls/Instruments.2-3.

D ESCRIPTION EAU00026 Left view 1. Shift pedal (page 3-6) 2. Fuel cock (page 3-8) 3. Rear shock absorber spring preload adjusting ring (page 3-14) 4. Helmet holder (page 3-11) 5.

Storage compartment (page 3-11) 6. Tool kit (page 6-1) 7. DESCRIPTION Right view 8.

Oil filter (page 6-9) 9. Battery (page 6-23) 10. Main fuse (page 6-25) 11. Main switch/Steering lock (page 3-1) 12. Air filter (page 6-10) 13. Rear brake pedal (page 3-6). DESCRIPTION Controls/Instruments 1.

Clutch lever (page 3-5) 2. Left handlebar switches (page 3-4) 3.

Starter (choke) “ ” (page 3-9) 4. Speedometer (page 3-3) 5.

Fuel tank cap (page 3-7) 6. Right handlebar switches (page 3-5) 7. Angel reiki manual. Throttle grip (page 6-12) 8.

INSTRUMENT AND CONTROL FUNCTIONS Main switch/Steering lock.3-1 Indicator lights.3-2 Speedometer.3-3 Antitheft alarm (optional).3-4 Handlebar switches.3-4 Clutch lever.3-5 Shift pedal.3-6 Front brake lever. 3-6 Rear brake pedal.3-6 Fuel tank cap.3-7 Fuel.

I NSTRUMENT AND CONTROL FUNCTIONS EAU00027 1. Turn EAU00029 EAU00040 Main switch/Steering lock LOCK EW000016 The steering is locked in this position WARNING The main switch controls the ignition and all electrical circuits are switched and lighting systems. Its operation is Never turn the key to “OFF”. This indicator light will come on if the oil level is low. To check that the oil level indicator light is working properly: Turn the main switch to “ON”. If the oil level indicator light does not come on, have a Yamaha dealer inspect the electrical circuit.

“TRIP” button until it displays “TRIP”, gine trouble indicator light does not Speedometer then push it once again and hold it come on, have a Yamaha dealer in- This speedometer is equipped with an down for at least one second. Spect the electrical circuit. To signal a right-hand turn, push the An antitheft alarm can be equipped to switch to “ ”. To signal a left-hand this motorcycle. Consult your Yamaha turn, push the switch to “ ”. Once the dealer to obtain and install the alarm.

INSTRUMENT AND CONTROL FUNCTIONS EAU00143 3. Start switch “ ” The starter motor cranks the engine when pushing the start switch. EC000005 CAUTION: See starting instructions prior to starting the engine. Engine stop switch 2. Lights switch EAU00152 Clutch lever 3. INSTRUMENT AND CONTROL FUNCTIONS 1. Shift pedal 1.

Rear brake pedal EAU00157 EAU00158 EAU00162 Shift pedal Front brake lever Rear brake pedal This motorcycle is equipped with a con- The front brake lever is located on the The rear brake pedal is on the right stant-mesh 5-speed transmission. INSTRUMENT AND CONTROL FUNCTIONS NOTE: This tank cap cannot be closed unless the key is in the lock.

The key cannot be removed if the cap is not locked properly. EW000023 WARNING Be sure the cap is properly installed and locked in place before riding the 1.

INSTRUMENT AND CONTROL FUNCTIONS EAU00185 Off position Normal position CAUTION: Always wipe off spilled fuel immedi- ately with a dry and clean soft cloth. Fuel may deteriorate painted surfac- es or plastic parts. EAU00191 Recommended fuel: 1. Pointed end positioned over “OFF” 1. INSTRUMENT AND CONTROL FUNCTIONS ECA00038 Reserve position CAUTION: Do not use the starter (choke) for more than 3 minutes as the exhaust pipe may discolor from excessive heat. Also, longer use of the starter (choke) will cause afterburning.


If af- terburning occurs, turn off the starter (choke). INSTRUMENT AND CONTROL FUNCTIONS 1. Projection 1. Seat holder 2. Bracket EAU01710 Seats To install Rider seat Passenger seat Insert the projection on the front of the To remove To remove seat into the seat holder and install the Remove the passenger seat. INSTRUMENT AND CONTROL FUNCTIONS 1. Projection ( 2) 1.

Helmet holder 1. Compartment cover 2. Seat holder ( 2) 2.

Lock EAU00260 Helmet holder To install EAU01869 Storage compartment To open the helmet holder, insert the 1. Insert the projections on the front The storage compartment is located on key in the lock and turn it as shown. INSTRUMENT AND CONTROL FUNCTIONS 1. Storage compartment 1. Storage compartment To open Then, pull the storage compartment To close Slide the lock cover open, insert the cover out as shown. Place the storage compartment cover key in the lock and turn it clockwise. In its original position as shown.

INSTRUMENT AND CONTROL FUNCTIONS EAU01713 Rear shock absorber adjustment This shock absorber is located under the rider seat. This shock absorber is equipped with a spring preload adjust- ing ring. Adjust spring preload as fol- lows. Remove the rider seat. INSTRUMENT AND CONTROL FUNCTIONS After removal Before installation 1. Quick fastener ( 3) 1.

Adjusting ring 2. Position indicator NOTE: 3.

Special wrench 4. Remove the mud guard by remov- When adjusting, use the special 5.

Turn the adjusting ring in direction a ing each quick fastener. This may and distract the operator, resulting in cause the unit to explode due to a possible loss of control. Yamaha excessive gas pressure. Has designed into this motorcycle a Do not deform or damage the lockout system to assist the operator cylinder in any way. WARNING AND THE ENGINE STOP SWITCH TO If improper operation is noted, con- “ ”.


ENGINE WILL START. PRE-OPERATION CHECKS Pre-operation check list.4-1. P RE-OPERATION CHECKS EAU01114 Owners are personally responsible for their vehicle’s condition. Your motorcycle’s vital functions can start to deteriorate quickly and unexpectedly, even if it remains unused (for instance, if it is exposed to the elements). Any damage, fluid leak or loss of tire pressure could have serious consequences.

PRE-OPERATION CHECKS ITEM CHECKS PAGE. Make sure that all nuts, bolts and screws are properly tightened. Chassis fasteners —. Tighten if necessary. Check fuel level. Fuel 3-7 3-8.

Fill with fuel if necessary. Lights, signals and switches. OPERATION AND IMPORTANT RIDING POINTS Starting the engine.5-1 Starting a warm engine.5-4 Shifting.5-5 Recommended shift points (for Switzerland only).5-5 Tips for reducing fuel consumption. 5-6 Engine break-in.

Owners Manual 2016 Xvs 1100 Custom

5-6 Parking.5-7. The engine their functions.

Consult can be started only under one of the Yamaha dealer regarding any following conditions: control or function that you do The transmission is in neutral. Not thoroughly understand. The sidestand is up, the transmis. OPERATION AND IMPORTANT RIDING POINTS CF-33E TURN THE MAIN SWITCH TO “ON” AND THE ENGINE STOP SWITCH TO “ ”. IF TRANSMISSION IS IN NEUTRAL AND IF TRANSMISSION IS IN GEAR AND SIDESTAND IS DOWN, SIDESTAND IS UP, PUSH THE START SWITCH. PULL IN THE CLUTCH LEVER AND PUSH THE ENGINE WILL START. NOTE: NOTE: is turned to “ON”, consult a Yamaha When the transmission is in neutral, the If the engine fails to start, release the dealer.

OPERATION AND IMPORTANT RIDING POINTS 6. After starting the engine, move the EAU01258 Starting a warm engine starter (choke) halfway back. The starter (choke) is not required NOTE: when the engine is warm. For maximum engine life, never accel- EC000046 erate hard with a cold engine! CAUTION: See the “Engine break-in”. OPERATION AND IMPORTANT RIDING POINTS EC000048 EAU02941 Recommended shift points CAUTION: (for Switzerland only) Do not coast for long periods The recommended shift points are with the engine off, and do not shown in the table below.

Tow the motorcycle a long dis- CF-25E tance. Turn off the engine instead of let- ting it idle for an extended length If any engine trouble should occur of time, i.e. In traffic jams, at traffic during the break-in period, consult a lights or railroad crossings. Yamaha dealer immediately. OPERATION AND IMPORTANT RIDING POINTS EAU00457 Parking When parking the motorcycle, stop the engine and remove the ignition key. Turn the fuel cock to “OFF” whenever stopping the engine.

EW000058 WARNING The exhaust system is hot. Park the motorcycle in a place where pedes- trians or children are not likely to touch the motorcycle. PERIODIC MAINTENANCE AND MINOR REPAIR Tool kit.6-1 Checking the front and rear brake pads. 6-18 Periodic maintenance and lubrication.6-2 Inspecting the brake fluid level.6-19 Panel removal and installation.6-5 Brake fluid replacement.6-20 Panel A.6-5 Cable inspection and lubrication. If you do not have necessary tools re- brication will keep your motorcycle in quired during a service operation, take the safest and most efficient condition your motorcycle to a Yamaha dealer for possible. Safety is an obligation of the service.

Motorcycle owner. The maintenance. PERIODIC MAINTENANCE AND MINOR REPAIR EAU00473 PERIODIC MAINTENANCE AND LUBRICATION CP-01E EVERY 6,000 km 12,000 km INITIAL ITEM CHECKS AND MAINTENANCE JOBS (1,000 km) 6 months 12 months (whichever (whichever comes first) comes first). Check fuel hoses for cracks or damage. PERIODIC MAINTENANCE AND MINOR REPAIR EVERY 6,000 km 12,000 km INITIAL ITEM CHECKS AND MAINTENANCE JOBS (1,000 km) 6 months 12 months (whichever (whichever comes first) comes first). Check bearing for looseness or damage. Wheel bearings.

Replace if necessary. Final gear oil. Change oil at initial 1,000 km and thereafter every 24,000 km or 24 months (whichever comes first).

Since these items require special tools, data and technical skills, they should be serviced by a Yamaha dealer. EAU02970 NOTE: The air filter needs more frequent service if you are riding in unusually wet or dusty areas. PERIODIC MAINTENANCE AND MINOR REPAIR 1.

Bolt To install EAU01777 EAU00491 Panel removal and installation Panel A Place the panel in its original position The panel illustrated needs to be re- To remove and install the bolt. Moved to perform some of the mainte- Remove the bolt and pull outward on nance described in this chapter. If one spark plug shows a distinctly different color, there could be some- thing wrong with the engine. Do not attempt to diagnose such prob- lems yourself. Instead, take the motor- cycle to a Yamaha dealer. PERIODIC MAINTENANCE AND MINOR REPAIR NOTE: If a torque wrench is not available when you are installing a spark plug, a good estimate of the correct torque is 1/4 to 1/2 turn past finger tight.

Have the spark plug tightened to the specified torque as soon as possible. PERIODIC MAINTENANCE AND MINOR REPAIR 5. Fill the engine with sufficient rec- ommended oil. Install the oil filler cap and tighten it.

Owners Manual 2016 Xvs 1100

Recommended oil: See page 8-1. Oil quantity: Total amount: 3.6 L 1. Engine oil filler cap 1. Engine oil drain bolt Periodic oil change: 2. If the indicator light flickers or re- EW000066 mains on, immediately stop the en- Tightening torque: WARNING gine and consult with a Yamaha Drain bolt: Do not let foreign material enter the dealer.

23 Nm (2.3 mkg) final gear case. Be sure oil does not Engine oil filter replacement get on the tire or wheel.

PERIODIC MAINTENANCE AND MINOR REPAIR Final gear case capacity: 0.2 L Recommended oil: SAE 80 API GL-4 Hypoid gear oil If desired, an SAE 80W90 hypoid gear oil may be used for all condi- tions. Case cover “GL-4” is a quality and additive rating. A diagnostic tachometer must be used cated adjustment. Most adjustments for this procedure. Should be left to a Yamaha dealer who 1. Attach the tachometer. Start the has the professional knowledge and engine and warm it up for a few experience to do so.

There should be a free play of 4 speed and in direction b to de- 6 mm at the throttle grip. If the free play is incorrect, ask a Yamaha dealer to crease engine speed. Make this adjustment. Standard idle speed. PERIODIC MAINTENANCE AND MINOR REPAIR EAU00647 CE-32E EW000083 201 kg (export for G, A, SF) Tires Maximum load. WARNING 200 kg (for G, A, SF) To ensure maximum performance, Cold tire pressure Front Rear Proper loading of your motorcycle long service, and safe operation, note 200 kPa 225 kPa is important for several characteris. Side wall Minimum tire tread depth parts replacement should be 1.6 mm a.

Tread depth (front and rear) left to a Yamaha Service Techni- Tire inspection cian. NOTE: Always check the tires before operating These limits may be different by regula- Patching a punctured tube is the motorcycle. If proper adjustment cannot be ob- To ensure maximum performance, tained or the clutch does not work cor- long service, and safe operation, note rectly, ask a Yamaha dealer to inspect the following: the internal clutch mechanism.

Always inspect the wheels before a ride. PERIODIC MAINTENANCE AND MINOR REPAIR control and an accident. Have a Yamaha dealer inspect and bleed the system if necessary. Adjusting bolt EW000099 EAU00696 WARNING Front brake lever free play Check the brake lever free play.

82 mm above the top of the justed when the brake light comes on footrest. If not, ask a Yamaha dealer to just before braking takes effect. To ad- adjust it.

Inspect each wear indicator groove and, as soon as one of them has almost worn away, ask a Yamaha dealer to replace the brake pads as a set. Brake fluid may deteriorate paint- ed surfaces or plastic parts. Al- ways clean spilled fluid immediately. Have a Yamaha dealer check the cause if the brake fluid level goes down. Minimum level mark 1. Minimum level mark Use only the designated quality EAU00731 Inspecting the brake fluid brake fluid. Yamaha service personnel.

EW000112 The throttle twist grip assembly should Have the Yamaha dealer replace the WARNING be greased at the time that the cable is following components during periodic Damage to the outer housing of ca. Lubricate the pivoting parts.

Lubricate the pivoting parts. Check that the sidestand moves up and down smoothly. Recommended lubricant: Recommended lubricant: Engine oil Engine oil Recommended lubricant: Engine oil EW000113 WARNING If the sidestand does not move smoothly, consult a Yamaha dealer. If EC000098 any free play can be felt, ask a Yamaha CAUTION: dealer to inspect and adjust the steer- If any damage or unsmooth move- ing. Therefore it is not dangerous, causing severe burns, smoothly, have a Yamaha dealer in- necessary to check the electrolyte or fill etc. It contains sulfuric acid.

Avoid spect the wheel bearings. If you do not have a sealed- Battery storage type battery charger, contact When the motorcycle is not used for a your Yamaha dealer.

Owners Manual 2016 Xvs 1100 Fuel Pump Location

Month or longer, remove the battery, Always make sure the connec- fully charge it and store it in a cool, dry tions are correct when reinstall- place. PERIODIC MAINTENANCE AND MINOR REPAIR Specified fuses: Odometer fuse: Ignition fuse: 10 A Headlight fuse: 15 A Carburetor heater fuse: 15 A Signaling system fuse: 10 A Main fuse The main fuse is located under the rid- 1.

Odometer fuse 1. Install the rider seat. Switch and the switch of the circuit in question. Install a new fuse of specified amperage.

Turn on the switches and see if the electrical device operates. If the fuse immediately blows again, con- sult a Yamaha dealer. PERIODIC MAINTENANCE AND MINOR REPAIR 1. Screw ( 2) 1.

Bulb holder 1. Don’t touch 3. Turn the bulb holder counterclock- EAU00833 EW000119 Headlight bulb replacement WARNING wise to remove it and remove the This motorcycle is equipped with a Keep flammable products and your defective bulb.

EAU00855 Turn signal and taillight bulb 5. Install the bulb cover, connectors replacement and headlight unit. Ask a Yamaha 1. Remove the screws and the lens. Dealer to adjust the headlight 2. Push the bulb inward and turn it beam if necessary. If your motorcycle requires any repair, bring it to a Yamaha dealer.

The skilled technicians at a Yamaha dealership have the tools, experience, and know- how to properly service your motor- cycle. Remove spark plugs and check electrodes. Engine doesn’t start, go to battery Dry.

Ask a Yamaha dealer to inspect. Battery Engine turns over Battery good. Engine doesn’t start, ask a Yamaha Use the electric starter. MOTORCYCLE CARE AND STORAGE Care.7-1 Storage.7-4. M OTORCYCLE CARE AND STORAGE EAU01521 Care Before cleaning Cleaning 1. Cover up the muffler outlets with After normal use The exposure of its technology makes plastic bags.

Remove dirt with warm water, a neutral a motorcycle charming but also vulner- 2. MOTORCYCLE CARE AND STORAGE ECA00010 Do not use any harsh chemical For motorcycles equipped with CAUTION: products on plastic parts. Be a windshield: Do not use strong Avoid using strong acidic wheel sure to avoid using cloths or cleaners or hard sponges as cleaners, especially on spoked sponges which have been in they. Wax all painted surfaces. Let the motorcycle dry completely Avoid using abrasive polishing before storing it or covering it. Compounds as they wear away the paint. NOTE: Consult a Yamaha dealer for advice on what products to use.

MOTORCYCLE CARE AND STORAGE Storage Long-term c. Install the spark plug caps onto the Before storing your motorcycle for sev- spark plugs and place the spark Short-term eral months: plugs on the cylinder head so that Always store your motorcycle in a cool, 1. MOTORCYCLE CARE AND STORAGE 7.

Check and, if necessary, correct the tire air pressure, then raise the motorcycle so that both of its wheels are off the ground. Alterna- tively, turn the wheels a little every month in order to prevent the tires from becoming degraded in one spot. SPECIFICATIONS Specifications.8-1 HOW TO USE THE CONVERSION TABLE.8-5. S PECIFICATIONS EAU01038 Specifications Model XVS1100 Engine oil Dimensions Type -20˚ -10˚ 0˚ 10˚ 20˚ 30˚ 40˚ 50˚C Overall length 2,405 mm SAE 10W/30 Overall width 895 mm SAE 10W/40 Overall height 1,095 mm Seat height 690 mm SAE 15W/40.

SPECIFICATIONS Final gear oil Gear ratio Type SAE80API “GL-4” Hypoid Gear 2.353 1.667 Quantity 0.2 L 1.286 Air filter Dry type element 1.032 Fuel 0.853 Type Regular unleaded gasoline Chassis Fuel tank capacity 17 L Frame type Double cradle Reserve amount 4.5 L Caster angle 33°. SPECIFICATIONS Air pressure (cold tire) Rear Up to 90 kg load.

Type Single disc brake Front 200 kPa (2.00 kg/cm, 2.00 bar) Operation Right foot operation Rear 225 kPa (2.25 kg/cm, 2.25 bar) Fluid DOT 4 90 kg load maximum Suspension load. Front. SPECIFICATIONS Headlight type Quartz bulb (halogen) Bulb voltage, wattage quantity Headlight 12 V, 60/55 W Auxiliary light 12 V, 4 W Tail/brake light 12 V, 5/21 W Turn signal light 12 V, 21 W Meter light 14 V, 1.4 W Oil level indicator light 12 V, 1.7 W Neutral indicator light. SPECIFICATIONS EAU01064 HOW TO USE THE CONVERSION TABLE CS-02E CONVERSION TABLE All specification data in this manual are listed in SI and METRIC TO IMPERIAL METRIC UNITS. Metric unit Multiplier Imperial unit Use this table to convert METRIC unit data to IMPERIAL mkg 7.233 ftlb.

CONSUMER INFORMATION Identification number records. 9-1 Key identification number.9-1 Vehicle identification number. 9-1 Model label.9-2. Record the key identification number, vehicle identification number and mod- el label information in the spaces pro- vided for assistance when ordering spare parts from a Yamaha dealer or for reference in case the vehicle is sto- len.

Key identification number 1. The model label is affixed to the frame under the seat. (See page 3-10 for seat removal procedures.) Record the infor- mation on this label in the space pro- vided. This information will be needed to order spare parts from your Yamaha dealer. I NDEX 1 0 - High beam indicator light.3-3 Neutral indicator light.3-2 Air filter.6-10 Final gear oil.6-9 Oil level indicator light.3-2 Antitheft alarm (optional).3-4 Front brake lever.3-6 Turn indicator light.3-2 Front brake lever free play adjustment. 6-16 Inspecting the brake fluid level.6-19 Front fork inspection. INDEX Tool kit.

6-1 Troubleshooting.6-29 Rear brake pedal.3-6 Troubleshooting chart.6-30 Rear brake pedal height adjustment.6-17 Turn indicator light.3-2 Rear shock absorber adjustment. 3-13 Turn signal and taillight bulb Recommended shift points replacement.


Owners Manual 2016 Xvs1100

Complete service repair workshop manual for the: Yamaha V Star 1100 XVS1100 XVS1100A XVS11 Dragstar 1100 (custom, classic, silverado) This is the same manual motorcycle dealerships use to repair your bike.