Angel Reiki Manual

Angel Reiki Manual

This manual is a guide to work with Angels. The virtues of each angels are more than traditional beliefs. They are the experiences of many enlightened people or those who have been helped.

I am very happy to be touched and helped by the angels a number of times. That has motivated me to compose this manual and share this attunement. The manual on the whole differs slightly from the original. The pre-requisite being set to Usui Reiki Master only a single Angel Reiki master l evel Attunement is enough. The attunement process texted here is Traditional, Elaborate and Effective. It is a good practice to share the attunement only and only if you are familiar with most of the angel virtues which will make for an effective and powerful attunement. You are most welcome to add and call other Angels whom you feel attracted to or one who has helped you.

This is irrespective of religions. I hope I was successful in keeping out Religious bias and overtones. I am very thankful to.

Free Angel Reiki Manual

Angel Reiki is a powerful love rich system to connect to the Angels & make best use of the Usui Reiki System. The traditional four Reiki s ymbols are incorporat ed; each is associated with one of the four Archangels. One can use it standalone or with any other system. As the number of Lightworkers started building up so did the villains of Light. Reiki masters started to advise protection techniques. Angels are by their very nature very protective & pure beings of light who want us to be happy and healthy.

To start the Angel Reiki. Angels are both a manifestation of the power of God as well as personifications of that power.

Angels transcend every religion, every philosophy and every creed. In fact angels have no religion as we know it.

Their existence precedes every religious system that has ever existed on earth Most angels do not generally interact with humans unless specifically asked. We all have free will and are masters of our own lives, the angels respect that and will never come to us to impose on our free wills. We need to ask them to help heal us; they do not impose themselves on us.

However when we are ready to wo rk with them, the change is amazing, they make everything the best it can be, if we are ready to work with them they do not want anything back but our own happiness and gratitude. Take particular interest in humans, assisting and strengthening them. Angels are non-denominational; they come to us straight away when we ask for help or healing. They bring pure and high vibration energies and facilitate the healing to take place. Angels are the loving messengers of God; they always come when you ask with a pure heart for their assistance.

Angels work irrespective of religion, caste & creed. Angels assists you in Light work of any form.

You will soon find not only the energy will flow stronger, but miracles will take place if you let it.

ANGEL REIKI HEALING COURSE BECOME A CERTIFIED HEALER –BOOK A COURSE /SESSION AT 9 OR WRITE AN EMAIL Angelic Reiki is the highest Divine Love aspect. It is the absolute joy of working hand in hand with the Angelic Kingdom of Light to bring one of the highest forms of healing to individuals, groups and the planet. Even though my journey into the World of Spirit started with Angels at a very young age; sure enough it was intensified with my introduction to the wonderfully amazing Rei-ki – the Divine Spirit that knows all and heals all. I was guided time and again by the Divine Masters and Guides to combine the collective wisdom of these two wonderful yet different worlds together and the result was pure MAGIC.

What is “ANGEL REIKI HEALING”? Angel Reiki healing is extremely powerful way of healing and uplifting any area of life that needs help – be it Money, career, emotional crisis, heart breaks, physical distress, lethargy – or any other problem you can imagine under the sun.

In this modality I work with the Dr. Usui lineage Masters and guides and the loving power of Angelic Realms to establish individual healing. Since Angels are always vibrating at a very very High frequency I find that negative energy finds it impossible to sustain in their slightest presence and immediately shatters away.

There is a whole Divine team of Archangels and Divine beings, Goddesses and Devas who surround me during an Angel Reiki session to assist me work on my client’s energy. This adds another dimension to the power of Reiki, the combination of this spiritual healing practice with the realm of the angels expands and deepens the possibilities.

Angelic Reiki draws the healing power of the Divine Mind through the angelic beings to the Reiki practitioner, granting an even greater healing energy, maximizing the beneficial effects. Melding the two forms of energy healing optimizes self-healing and the restoration of well being to others I feel blessed and fortunate to have received permission and guidance from the Heavenly Masters and guides and for being attuned by none other than the Angelic Realms and Divine Reiki to offer this wonderful healing which will benefit you immensely by uplifting your energy instantly relieving you of all the stress, worry, headache, depression, Migraine or any other physical – emotional distress that may surround you. As a Grand Master Teacher I have not only personally witnessed and experienced the WOW factor of Angel Reiki healing but have seen my clients heal most miraculously. “ANGEL REIKI HEALING “Course My ‘Angel Reiki Healing ‘Workshop is a two days intensive certified Training Program and is offered in two levels. There are no Master levels in this as I believe that we are always assisted by Divine Masters.


However on completion of level 2 and thereafter one may like to continue and grow into Master level and Grand Master level of traditional Usui lineage Reiki as you are directly eligible for the same. You will be personally attuned by me at each level. Angel Reiki Healing is very easy to learn, and very delighting to receive and will completely transform your life.

It is difficult to find a more practical workable healing combination such as this. Distant Angel Reiki Attunements – Now receive the Magical healing benefits while you seat yourself within the comfort zone of your homes /offices or if you are physically unable. I will send you Angel Reiki attunements from far too wherever you are and you will receive the manuals and CDs to give you a perfect simulation of classroom training. WHO ALL CAN LEARN ANGEL REIKI HEALING?

Any person above the age of 10 yrs is eligible. A person from No Background to All Background who is seeking deeper Love, Sense of Overall Peace/calm, seeks heightened spiritual experiences, awaken dormant psychic powers of the brain, wants to uplift any area of life, suffering from depressions, loneliness, Obsessive Compulsive Disorders, or any other physical, mental, emotional imbalances must learn ANGEL REIKI ON PRIORITY because you deserve to be happy, whole and complete in life. Amen WHO ALL CAN BENEFIT OTHER THAN HUMANS? Angel Reiki Healing is not restricted to human healing.

Both animals and plants respond to the flow of curative energy. Angel Reiki treatments bring loving energy to pets and gardens. The restoration of balance, increasing vital energy and releasing toxins, whether physical or emotional, is at the core of this gentle and effective treatment. All beings benefit from this curative practice. YOU WILL LEARN:- 1. All about Reiki – History, tradition and various hand positions 2. All the important healing points in the body.

Guided meditations to heighten psychic receptivity to the guidance of Masters and Angels. How to heal by laying on hands 5. How to send healing over any distance, healing past, present, future. Healing karmic issues, character, mental, emotional, money, career, relationship healing etc.etc 6. Holistic healings by calling on the divine Angelic beings and Reiki Masters and guides; that can deliver a multifaceted renewal of the mind, body, spirit, and soul. The healing is there just for the asking.

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Through meditation, communication is opened with the angels, and healing on all planes can begin. The interconnectedness of our physical bodies with our emotional and spiritual health allows healing to spread, enveloping the entire person in comforting and curative angelic energy. Learn to practice angel healing in tune with using your hands to channel the energy of the angels, leading to the beautiful blending of Reiki with angelic healing. Receive Attunements with 7 Healing Archangels and Masters and then become a Divine channel to manifest healings of the highest order. Ancient healing traditions across the globe all speak of a life force, a vital energy that flows through the universe and is deeply connected to the health of the human body. Reiki is in harmony with these ancient traditions, it uses chi, or the life force, focused through the hands to balance and heal.

Learn how to Invoke, Draw on the divine beings, Transform and Enhance Reiki & How to transfer healing to those in need BOOK A COURSE /SESSION AT 9 OR WRITE AN EMAIL Susan Chopra GrandMaster Reiki.