Sterile Compounding And Aseptic Technique Instructors Guide

  1. Sterile Compounding And Aseptic Technique Instructors Guide
  2. Aseptic Technique Iv Compounding

The home study pre-requisite portion of this program provides 7.5 hours of continuing pharmacy credit (0.75 CEUs) and the live portion of this program provides 16 hours of continuing pharmacy credit (1.6 CEUs). Participants who fully and successfully complete both portions may receive a maximum of 23.5 hours of continuing pharmacy credit (2.35 CEUs). Upon successful completion of the entire homestudy program, you will be allowed to attend the live portion. Cut-off for successful completion of self-study will be no later than 11:59pm on.

Program Description: The KPIC Aseptic Technique Training Program is an intensive practice-based educational activity designed to equip pharmacists and technicians with immersive, hands-on training in the compounding of aseptic products. Learners will be provided training in aseptic technique and objective evaluations following the preparation of Compounded Sterile Products (CSPs) according to USP regulations through the use of didactic training, observation, coaching and practical skill assessments. The live session provides hands-on skills training focused on the current requirements and situations most likely to be encountered in a sterile compounding environment. Learners must successfully demonstrate competency via hands-on simulations in the state of the art compounding facility. The pre-requisite home study activity must be completed prior to attending the live program. In order to receive continuing education credit for the self-study activities, the participant will be required to complete each reading and video assignment along with review questions and case studies, complete the pre and post-tests and on-line program evaluation.

Post-test will be automatically graded, and you must receive a score of 70% or higher to be considered successful. This knowledge based activity has been approved for 7.5 hours of continuing education credit. ACPE#: 0062-0000-14-094-H04-P/T. Initial Release Date: 7/7/2014 Expiration Date: 7/7/2017. Please ensure the computer system you plan to use meets the following minimum requirements:.

Sterile compounding and aseptic technique instructors guide template

Operating System: Windows XP SP2 or later, Windows Vista, Windows 7, Mac OS X 10.5 or later. Internet Browser (Mac &/ Windows): Internet Explorer 7 or later, Firefox 3.5 or later, Safari 4. Broadband Internet connection: Cable, High-speed DSL & any other medium that is internet accessible. Peripherals: Computer speakers or headphones.

Sterile Compounding And Aseptic Technique Instructors Guide

Monitor Screen Resolution: 320 x 480 or higher. Media Viewing Requirements: For some components, the most up-to-date version of Adobe Flash may be required. To obtain the free Flash plug-in, go to. Participants will review provided textbook and complete the following prior to attending the hands on portion of the course:. Airco dip pak 200.

Chapter 1: Pages 1-15 and complete review questions on page 14-15. Chapter 2: Pages 17-62 and complete review questions and case studies on page 62. Chapter 4: Pages 107-135 and completer review questions and case study on pages 135-137. Chapter 5: Pages 141-171 and complete review questions and case study on pages 171-172. View required video for Chapter 5:. on Page 148: Cleaning the HLFW (Video length 3:58). Chapter 6: Pages 175-220 and complete review questions and case studies on pages 220-222.

Aseptic Technique Iv Compounding

This course is designed for pharmacists, pharmacy technicians, and pharmacy educators who teach, train, or supervise personnel who prepare sterile compounded preparations (CSPs). This self-study course is accomplished using a comprehensive textbook, review of step-by-step procedural labs, and viewing video demonstrations. The course is designed to confirm understanding of USP principles related to sterile compounding and aseptic technique. The course also provides an overview of the procedures and requirements for teaching the SCAT IV Certification course once the instructor’s certification course has been successfully completed. Your understanding of the knowledge-based components of this course will be confirmed through completion of one, proctored, written exam. An assessment of skills-based components of this course will be confirmed through your submission of a video demonstration of a basic process validation procedure(s). The process validation procedure(s) must be submitted via a shared YouTube posting, by email attachment, or by flash drive sent by mail.

NOTE: In order to complete the process validation requirements for this course, you must have access to a clean room and appropriate sterile compounding equipment and supplies. If you do not have access to these materials (or close simulations), it is possible to arrange to complete your process validation procedure at our testing facility in Austin, Texas. Consult with the course instructor by email to arrange a mutually agreeable date and time. To register for this course, you must fill out the online petition. Once your petition has been approved by the department chair, and you have registered and paid for the course, you will be emailed specific course instructions. This is a self-paced course that is designed to be completed within approximately 20 hours.

The maximum timeframe for completion of the course is six months from the date of purchase of the course. Upon successful completion of the Instructor’s Certification course, you will receive a frame-able certificate of completion, statement of ACPE CE credit, and upload into CPE Monitor for 2.0 CEUs ( 20 hours). PHRA 2071 is an “Instructor’s Certification Course”. This is an Application-Based CPE activity. Prerequisites: Upon receipt of your online petition, you will be contacted to request that you scan the required documents to be evaluated as evidence that you meet the prerequisites: Note: Certified Instructors are eligible to return to their practice setting or school and train pharmacy personnel (pharmacists, pharmacy technicians, pharmacy students, compounding nurses, other sterile compounding personnel, etc.) in current USP standards for sterile compounding and aseptic technique. Your students will be required to register and pay for the course through Austin Community College. Student cost is $125.00.


plus textbook; which is purchased separately. Upon your students’ successful completion of the IV certification course: Sterile Compounding and Aseptic Technique Course Number PHRA 1091 (which we provide to you, and which is comprised of didactic and experiential components; requires 40 hours of training; 2 written exams, and 9 process validations), they will receive a frame-able certificate of completion and ACPE statement of credit, as well as an upload into CPE Monitor for 4.0 CEUs (40 hours; 20 hours of knowledge-based and 20 hours of practice based).Prices are subject to change without notice.' For questions regarding this course, please contact.