Physics Honors Final Exam Study Guide

  1. Physics Final Exam Answers

. Science Department The WRHS Science Department strives for excellence in the science education of all its graduates. We recognize the fact that science is a human endeavor designed to achieve an increasingly comprehensive and reliable understanding of the human species and its environment. Scientific literacy is an important key to a functioning, technology-based society.

WRHS 2018 Summer Science Programs: These programs are designed for students enrolled in Wachusett Honors Science. For incoming freshman enrolled in Honors Freshman Physics. For students enrolled in Honors Biology or Honors Chemistry.

Students will explore all aspects of 'doing science,' from designing an experiment to learning how to use sophisticated data collection devices. By the end of the course, students will have a deeper understanding of how to collect data by having a chance to experiment with the technology of the WRHS Science Department. The WRHS Science Program WRHS students must successfully complete three years (15 credits) of science course work. To complete this requirement, students typically take Freshman Physics in Grade 9, Biology during sophomore year, and Chemistry during junior year. All these courses are offered at the H, CPA, and CP levels. College bound students are strongly urged to take at least two years of laboratory science courses. The complete contains a detailed course descriptions, as well as sequences and prerequisites.

The WRHS Science Department believes homework is necessary to help students achieve at the high academic level necessary for college preparation. Schoolwork done outside of class provides training in study habits, skills and discipline; it reinforces and increases background knowledge and conceptual understanding; and it provides experiences in problem-solving and self-monitoring. In particular, it provides students an opportunity for them to take personal responsibility for their own achievement. Honors Science Pro j ect All Honors science students must complete an Honors Project. The outlines rules and procedures for that project. In addition, please refer to the and summer letters from the Science Department, which outline the full requirements and due dates.

Physics students may also visit the for important information related to the Honors Science Project. Extracurricular Science Opportunities EUREKA Project Room Midyear Exam Study Guides. Final Exam Study Guides. Wachusett Regional High School 1401 Main Street Holden MA 01520 Phone: 508-829-6771 Fax: 508-829-4895 Principal, William P.

Bookmark this page in your Bookmarks Toolbar if you did not do so in class. Take if you didn't do so in class. Study for the Safety Test:. Practice safety quiz, no risk. Download for review M/Tu 8/19,20 Turn in your signed syllabus Review safety Safety test 1st attempt 1. Check PowerSchool to see if you passed the safety test:.

0% means you need to try again; and!. Blank means it's not graded yet 2. Continue working on your safety video:. Gather your props. Rehearse lines and movements. Make sure you have a way to record the video Of interest:?

Upcoming Extra Credit Opportunity W/Th 8/21,22 Safety test: 2nd attempt after studying corrected 1st attempt Produce safety videos Turn in your video here:. Finish & turn in your safety video BEFORE you come to class next time. For music, go to (chemistry lab safety) F/M 8/23,26 Videos - due BEFORE you come to at the end of class today Pretest: Before next class period:. Complete. Complete.Some tips for completing the Reading Guides:. Don't procrastinate; get started on these right away!.

You don't have to do them all at once. You can save what you've done so far. Just choose the Save for Later option when you need to close out of it. DON'T just shut your laptop lid on the quiz. The connection will drop and Quia will tell me you abandoned the quiz.

This means you won't be able to get back into the quiz and you won't get to finish it. If you enter 'potato' as an answer and Quia's set up to accept only 'potahto,' Quia will mark your answer wrong. Quia will also count it wrong if you enter Solanum tuberosum, the scientific name for 'potato.' When I grade each question, I'll change your score so you get credit. Tu/W 8/27,28 Safety test - attempt #3 Demo: Accuracy & Precision In-class worksheet: Accuracy & Precision Video sharing IF time. Practice:. Read through the lab for next time ';' expect a pre-lab quiz.

(We'll run the lab in class next time; just read through it before then!). Read this article: '.

Th/F 8/29,30 Review homework Collect data for your lab: ' aka Graphing in Excel. Enter data into Excel. Graph. Best-fit line with equation and R 2 value Don't forget! 'PLAGIARISM or cheating in any work submitted in this course will result of a score zero (0) points for that entire work. Plagiarism includes, but is not limited to, copying answers from someone else in the class, the inclusion of Internet or any otherwise-published resources (text, images, etc) in whole or in part without citation, or copying someone else’s work and claiming it as your own.


' M 9/2 NO SCHOOL - LABOR DAY Tu/W 9/3,4.;,. Answer q.

1-8 in a Word document before you leave class today. Review scientific notation: Fun with numbers. Powers of Ten Scientific Notation activities. Finish your lab and have it printed BEFORE class starts next time. Download and answer on your own paper WITHOUT using your calculator!. More online practice as you need it:.: Scientific Notation Th/F 9/5,6 Turn in your lab when class starts AS YOU ENTER: NO CALCULATORS ALLOWED! Begin Unit Conversions: In-class practice: unit conversions.

(For fun -?) Videos to help learn this method of unit conversions:. Introduction: YouTube:. Converting Units:. Converting Units:. Simple example:. More complex example: (includes a practice option) M/Tu 9/9,10 Activity: Dimensional Analysis in Lab Unit Conversions Quiz More help: W/Th 9/11,12.

Download & take notes over. Join our Quizlet class:. Practice the terms of science using these activities:. Read and think through these.

Work with a partner to. Download and watch Study your test review!. Get at least 7 hours of sleep the night before the test.

Eat a healthful breakfast in the morning More complex unit conversions practice: Interesting reading:. F/M 9/13,16 Return/discuss unit conversion quiz Unit 1 Test:. Tu/W 9/17,18 Unit 1 Test: Chapter 2 Constant Velocity lab. Take data. Discuss Unit 1 Test Homework:. 1-7, 14-26 (each answer is explained; make sure you understand, and ask when you don't!). Answer the questions from on your own paper Th/F 9/19,20 Complete analysis questions 1-3 at Turn in printed graph Review -.

Unit II Worksheet 1. Homework:. Read pp. 17-24 (2.1-2.5). Review Questions RQ #1-10. Plug & Chug P&C #1-4. Think & Compare T&C #1.

Think & Explain T&E #1-10. Think & Solve T&S #1,2 Homecoming Week M/Tu 9/23,24 Mon: games assembly during seminar - pretest Quiz: (through slide 23) Check & discuss homework Hand out workbooks Homework for next time:. WORKBOOK pp.

3-6. TEXTBOOK pp. 35+, RAT. Inertia game: W/Th 9/25,26 Wed: Candidate videos & voting during seminar Discuss homework:. Reading Guide 2.1-2.5. p. 35+, RAT Homework:.

Read 2.6 - 2.10, pp. 25-31. RQ 11-20 starts on p. 32. T&C 2,3.

T&E 11-20. T&S 3-5 Download Quizlet app:. Practice:.

Physics Final Exam Answers

F/M 9/27,30 Fri: Formal assembly during seminar Inertia Activities! Inertia Activities! Friday 9/27 - Homecoming G1 8:08 a.m. G3 (Includes Lunch) 10:40 a.m.- 12:10 p.m. Seminar (Assembly) 12:15 p.m.- 1:00 p.m.

Tu/W 10/1,2 Notes: 2.6-2.10 Force diagram lab IF TIME Homework:. Read through the lab for next time. Study for the 2.6-2.10 quiz.

Reading Guide 2.6 - 2.10 from Quia. Inertia games -. Th/M 10/3,7 Finish the Inertial Balance lab Friday 10/4 - Teacher Inservice NO SCHOOL Tu/W 10/8,9 Discuss, print & turn in Inertial Balance lab (30 minutes) Getting ready for the chapter 2 test:. NEW!!. by hand NOT wordprocessed. answers only, not questions. Previous quizzes:.

Th/F 10/10,11 After the test: Homework:. due at the beginning of next class period.

From the end of Chapter 3:. RQ 1-11.

P&C 1-4. T&C 1,2. T&E 1-8.

T&S 1-6. RAT 1-5,10 M/Tu 10/14,15 'October Sky' no homework!!! W/Th 10/16,17 Homework check Lab: Is It Accelerating?