Open Water Diver Manual Answers Ssi

  1. Open Water Diver Manual Answers

Test: The Scuba Diving Quiz Category: Sports Description: This is a test to test your knowledge on Scuba Diving Keywords: scuba diving ocean padi naui scubaphile Relevant Website: SCUBA stands for 'self contained underwater breathing apparatus' True False Nitrogen Narcosis. Is similar to alcohol intoxication starts to occur at around 33 feet is caused by a lack of nitrogen in a diver's blood stream starts to occur after approximately 30 minutes of diving One reason Buoyancy control is important is because divers need to control their rate of ascent and decent in the water True False The following hand signal means. Distress, Help Out of air Go that way Come here What percent of oxygen and nitrogen are in a standard scuba tank? 50% oxygen, 49% nitrogen, 1% other 21% oxygen, 78% nitrogen, 1% other 68% oxygen, 31% nitrogen, 1% other 38% oxygen, 61% nitrogen, 1% other Underwater, items you see will appear reduced by 22% reduced by 33% magnified by 22% magnified by 33% The term used for this piece of equipment is The Second Stage The Pressure Breather The Air Source The Breathing Apparatus As you descend, you consume air from your scuba tank slower faster the same Water absorbs heat faster than air True False BCD stands for See the NOAA Diver's Manual or PADI's Open Water Dive Manual if clarification is needed. Bouyancy control device breathing control device breathing capacity diagram boat compass diving A Thermocline.

Open Water Diver Manual Answers

Is a gradual change of water temperature Is an abrupt change of water temperature Is an underwater drinking device used to help stay hydrated Is an abrupt change of water pressure Underwater pressure doubles every 10 meters while diving Pressure doubles the first 10 meters, and then doubles again at 30 meters, and so on. True False Holding your breathe while scuba diving. Is extremely dangerous allows you to stay under water longer causes you to become less bouyant is often encouraged by dive masters If a diver becomes unresponsive underwater, one should bring the diver immediately to the surface remove the diver's tank supply the diver with an alternative air supply remove the diver's weights An object is less buoyant in than it is in fresh water, salt water salt water, fresh water When the hand moves side to side, the following hand signal means. Out of Air Watch Me Come Here Danger a b x y h v k Decompression Sickness.

May occur if a diver ascends too quickly from a dive may occur if a diver does not perform decompression stops on a long dive may lead to death all the above A squeeze is a. Pressure imbalance where the outside of an object is greater than the inside of an object pressure imbalance where the inside of an object is greater than the outside of an object hand signal often used in diving form of diving without a tank One reason a depth gauge is important is because. It's easy to get lost under water Your depth dictates how long you can stay under water at night, it is difficult to calculate your depth It notifies you when you are close to running out of air Comments BIG MAN, BOY I WISH I WAS BUCK.

Open Water Diver Manual Answers Ssi

This was not a challenge to me, Buck Stevens. Yes everyone has, so drop it. Did you here about the two little divers? Learn how to write, THE THE, Below my post, the moron dose not know how to write, why did you write two the the dumbass. Where are all the the idiots coming from.!

Would you hold your breath for me Sue.????????????????? Come to me baby, and teach me how to dive / bailout. I Seen that Sue Chick on the news, She is way HOT!!!!!!!! I don't know try it. What would happen if someone blew smoke up someones ass, would they float?

SWEET this guy told me that he blew smoke from a hole cigaret into his tank and then filled it with air, so he could say that he smoked a cigaret under water. Isn't that bad for you? I did something Kool, I had a chew in my mouth while scuba diving. Well i did something cool, just to prove it, I drank a coors beer underwater. If not she will be. She must be in the Ginnis book of world records. Absolutely, What about that chic that did that unheard of bail out in the Pacific ocean.

I heard that woman can hold their breath longer then men. I heard about that, on CNN, Congratulations, I can't even imagine doing something like that!!! I been diving my hole life and by the way i got a 100 on the test. It was shamefully easy, I been deeper than most of you, if you try, like me, you can accomplish things like me. Back in 2017 i was the first woman to do an emergency bail out, out of a submarine in the pacific ocean close by North Korea, AT A DEPTH THAT HAS NEVER BEEN DONE BEFORE, 2,350 Feet.

Leaving the sub my octopus got caught on the door hatch, with not a moment to spare i ditched all my scuba equipment and made it to the surface, Lets see if you Boys have balls to do what i have done. Thank You Sue H. Is it true that you breath liquid oxygen and 79% liquid nitrogen? Thank you, Sue H. I've never dived nor taken a SCUBA class, and I scored 80% on this test. Yep i'm a padi cert diver and got 100% it was a good test to keep you on your toes! Iv never been diving got 70% on quiz How did you guys know that the regulator-looking pic of an Octopus was a Second Stage one rather than Primary Regulator?

I thought that Octopus Second Stage regs were yellow in colour? Free chilton online manuals. This test was okay. Old Certified Open Water Diver (as well as Specialty Diver - Diver Search and Rescue / Wreck Diving), I got 100%. (Scored 96% Open Water test; 94% Diver Search abd Rescue; 91% Wreck Diving). Also on my way to becoming certified EMT (1.5 yrs), and work in a Children's Hospital. This test was much easier than the one I took in 2012. There are a few questions that definitely seem controversial (No.

19), but other than that, relatively accurate. You want to give air as quickly and efficiently as possible to those who are unconscious (potential lack of oxygen).

Bringing them up right to the surface would take time away from that crucial process. You can compare this to the rule about CPR - you have 10 mins.

To get person conscious again. After 30 (or of you give up sooner), you can officially declare them dead. In the SCUBA scenario, that 10 mins might be taken up by getting the unconscious individual to the surface (remember, you can't shoot up like a rocket).


Air is the key, Especially when your dive master takes you down 96 feet on your certification dive (13 yr. Old), although ur really not supposed to go bellow 40 until you're 16!! BTW: deepest recorded dive out of 34 total so far is 104 feet - bottom of awesome wreck dive. Current was so strong, sucked half my tank before getting to actual wreck!! Uhhh.this test suks.not real test. Good test i got a 96!!!!

Question 18 - The correct answer should be False. The pressure doesn't double every 10m but increase by 1 atm.

So the pressure only double on the 1st 10m (1atm at 0m - 2 atm at 10m). The above test is about passing the Padi training tests, if you answear differrent to what they have in the manuals and they are exspecting at the time of a test then you fail, regardless of what realitys are or what anyone else has to says on the matter. So anyone reading this discusion, consult your Padi teacher or manual if you are uncertain. Remember, Life is never black and white, unless it's an exam! The dangers of NOT bringing a diver to the surface would far out weigh actually bringing him there. Divers should not be having a problem with O2 tox. Because for O2 to become toxic would take depths far below 130 ft., what they should be diving.

Even if using Nitrox, the chances of O2 tox. Would be smaller than the other problems the diver is most likely facing. If you for a fact KNOW it is O2 tox., then you should treat it accordingly IF possible. But in most cases getting the diver to the surface is priority number one. And about the comment on not being able to surface yourself safely, well if you're following no dec. Diving, then you should ALWAYS be able to ascend to the surface at ANY point in your dive.

So this should not be a problem. I am diver certified and all of the correct answers in this test were accurate if you disagree with something there is an explanation in the PADI Open water diver manual No. 19 - If a diver is unresponsive it could be due to a number of factors. Bringing him to the surface would exacerbate the problem.

One should give him another source of breathing a weaker mix, stabilise the diver (let any convulsion pass) then take him to the surface. Please edit that question. On number 18 you should include the depth in feet as well as meters I disagree with number 19 - 'bring the diver immediately to the surface.' Depending on the situation, you may not be able to safely ascend immediately to the surface yourself. I was taught early on that we don't want to create a second victim - your own safety has to come first. Just food for thought.