Honda Fury Service Manual

. Contents These pages give an overview of the Before Riding.contents of your owner’s manual. The first The importance of wearing a helmet page of each section lists the topics and other protective gear, how to make covered in that section. Sure you and your motorcycle are ready to ride, and important information about loading. ID numbers, technical specifications, Why your motorcycle needs regular and other technical facts. Maintenance, what you need to know before servicing your Honda, an owner maintenance schedule, and instructions Consumer Information.

  1. Honda Fury Service Manual
  2. 2016 Honda Fury Service Manual

For specific maintenance and Information on warranties, emission adjustment items. 2010 Honda VT1300CX Fury OWNER’S MANUAL. It’s full of facts, instructions, safety information, When you own a Honda, you’re part of a and helpful tips. To make it easy to use, worldwide family of satisfied customers the manual contains a detailed list of people who appreciate Honda’s. California to cause cancer and birth motorcycle best and is dedicated to your defects or other reproductive harm. Complete satisfaction. Please report any change of address or ownership to your Honda dealer so we will be able to contact you concerning important product information.

A Few Words About Safety Your safety, and the safety of others, is very important. And operating this motorcycle safely is an important responsibility. To help you make informed decisions about safety, we have provided operating procedures and other information on labels and in this manual. This information alerts you to potential hazards that could hurt you or others. A Few Words About Safety You WILL be KILLED or SERIOUSLY HURT if you don’t follow instructions.

You CAN be KILLED or SERIOUSLY HURT if you don’t follow instructions. You CAN be HURT if you don’t follow instructions. Safety Headings ––.

Motorcycle Safety This section presents some of the most Important Safety Information.important information and Accessories & Modifications.recommendations to help you ride your Safety Labels. Motorcycle safely. Please take a few moments to read these pages. This section also includes information about the location of safety labels on your motorcycle.

Important Safety Information Your motorcycle can provide many years Always Wear a Helmet of service and pleasure if you take It’s a proven fact: helmets significantly responsibility for your own safety and reduce the number and severity of head understand the challenges you can meet injuries. Important Safety Information Take Time to Learn & Practice Always pay attention to other vehicles Even if you have ridden other motorcycles, around you, and do not assume that other take time to become familiar with how drivers see you. Be prepared to stop this motorcycle works and handles. Important Safety Information Ride within Your Limits Keep Your Honda in Safe Condition Pushing limits is another major cause of It’s important to keep your motorcycle motorcycle crashes.

Never ride beyond properly maintained and in safe riding your personal abilities or faster than condition. Improper accessories or installation, and use of non-Honda modifications can cause a crash in accessories.

Which you can be seriously hurt or Check with your Honda dealer for killed. Assistance and always follow these guidelines: Follow all instructions in this Make sure the accessory does not owner’s manual regarding. Accessories & Modifications Do not install any fairing or windscreen Modifications unless it was designed and tested by Honda for your motorcycle. Some fairings or windscreens, even smaller We strongly advise you not to remove any ones, can cause unstable handling of original equipment or modify your your motorcycle. Safety labels on your motorcycle either warn you of potential hazards that could cause serious injury or they provide important safety information. Read these labels carefully and don’t remove them. If a label comes off or becomes hard to read, contact your Honda dealer for a replacement.

Motorcycle Safety. Safety Labels Motorcycle Safety.

Instruments & Controls This section shows the location of all Operation Component Locations. Gauges, indicators, and controls you would Gauges, Indicators & Displays.normally use before or while riding your Odometer/Tripmeter A & B/Digital motorcycle.

Clock Display.Odometer. Operation Component Locations engine stop switch front brake clutch lever lever headlight dimmer switch throttle grip turn signal switch start button horn button Instruments & Controls.

Operation Component Locations steering lock rear brake pedal Instruments & Controls. Operation Component Locations helmet holder ignition switch shift lever Instruments & Controls. Gauges, Indicators & Displays The gauges and indicators on your speedometer motorcycle keep you informed, alert you odometer/tripmeter A & B /digital to possible problems, and make your clock display riding safer and more enjoyable. Refer to odometer/tripmeter/digital clock the gauges and indicators frequently. Their select and reset button functions are described on the following right turn signal indicator. If one of these indicators does not come The low oil pressure indicator remains on on when it should, have your Honda dealer until after the engine is started.

The PGM- check for problems. FI malfunction indicator lamp (MIL) lights for a few seconds and then goes off when you turn the ignition switch ON. The meter is identified in the table on page with the words: Meter Check.

If the speedometer needle does not swing to the maximum scale on the dial once when it should, have your Honda dealer check for problems. Instruments & Controls. Gauges, Indicators & Displays speedometer Shows riding speed in miles (USA) or kilometers (Canada) per hour. Odometer/tripmeter A & B/ digital clock display odometer Shows the total miles (USA) or kilometers (Canada) ridden (page tripmeter Shows the number of miles (USA) or kilometers A &. ON and the engine stop switch is at RUN. If the indicator comes on at any other time, reduce speed and take your motorcycle to a Honda dealer as soon as possible.

Low oil pressure. Gauges, Indicators & Displays high coolant temperature Lights when the coolant is over the specified indicator (red) temperature. If the indicator comes on, pull safely to the side of the road. See page for instructions and cautions. High beam indicator Lights when the headlight is on high beam.

Gauges, Indicators & Displays Odometer/Tripmeter A & B/ Digital Clock Display The odometer/tripmeter A & B/digital clock display ( ) has three functions: odometer tripmeter digital clock The clock will display 0:00 if the battery is disconnected. (1) odometer/tripmeter A & B/ digital clock display (cont’d) Instruments &. Gauges, Indicators & Displays Push the button ( ) to select the odometer Odometer ( ), tripmeter A ( ), tripmeter B ( ) and digital clock ( ). The odometer shows the total miles or kilometers ridden. Tripmeter A & B The tripmeter shows number of miles or kilometers ridden since you last reset the tripmeter. Gauges, Indicators & Displays To reset the tripmeter, push and hold the button ( ) for more than 2 seconds when the display in the tripmeter A or tripmeter B mode. (1) odometer/tripmeter/digital clock select and reset button Instruments & Controls.

Gauges, Indicators & Displays Digital Clock Shows hour and minute. To adjust the time, proceed as follows: Turn the ignition switch ON. Show the digital clock ( ). Push and hold the button ( ) for more than 2 seconds.

The clock will be set in the adjust mode with the hour display flashing. Gauges, Indicators & Displays To set the hour, push the button until Push and hold the button for more than the desired hour is displayed. The minute display will start The time is advanced by one hour, flashing. Each time the button is pushed. Gauges, Indicators & Displays To set the minute, push the button until To end the adjustment, push and hold the desired minute is displayed. The the button for more than 2 seconds or minute display will return to ‘‘00’’ turn the ignition switch OFF. The when ‘‘60’’.

Controls & Features LEFT SIDE Ignition Switch The ignition switch ( ) is used for starting and stopping the engine (page ). Insert the key and turn it to the right for the ON position. Key Position Function Electrical circuits on. No electrical (1) ignition switch circuits function. Controls & Features Start Button Engine Stop Switch The start button ( ) is used for starting the RIGHT HANDLEBAR engine. Pushing the button in starts the engine. See Starting Procedure, page When the start button is pushed, the starter motor will crank the engine.

Controls & Features If your motorcycle is stopped with the Turn Signal Switch ignition switch ON and the engine stop switch OFF, the headlight and taillight will remain on, resulting in battery The turn signal switch ( ) is used to signal discharge. Controls & Features Horn Button The horn is used to alert other motorists. To operate, push the horn button ( ). Instruments & Controls. Before Riding Before each ride, you need to make sure Are You Ready to Ride?you and your Honda are both ready to ride. Protective Apparel.To help get you prepared, this section Rider Training.discusses how to evaluate your riding Is Your Motorcycle Ready to Ride?.

Honda fury service manual pdf

Are You Ready to Ride? Before you ride your motorcycle for the If you must carry an extra helmet while first time, we urge you to: riding, use a commercially available Read this owner’s manual. Elastic cord, strap, or net to secure the Make sure you understand all the safety helmet to the seat. Are You Ready to Ride? Helmet and Eye Protection Your helmet is your most important piece of riding gear because it offers the best Not wearing a helmet increases protection against head injuries. A helmet the chance of serious injury or death in a crash. Are You Ready to Ride?

A motorcycle riding suit or jacket for We urge all riders to take a motorcycle comfort as well as protection. Operator course approved by the Bright-colored and reflective clothing Motorcycle Safety Foundation (MSF).

Can help make you more noticeable in New riders should start with the basic traffic. Is Your Motorcycle Ready to Ride? Before each ride, it’s important to inspect Pre-ride Inspection your motorcycle and make sure any problem you find is corrected.

A pre-ride inspection is a must, not only for safety, Check the following items before you get but because having a breakdown, or even on the motorcycle: a flat tire, can be a major inconvenience. Is Your Motorcycle Ready to Ride? Leaks, Walk around your If you are carrying a passenger or cargo, Loose motorcycle and look for also check the following: Parts anything that appears unusual, such as a leak or Load Limits Make sure you do not loose cable. Pull the brake lever and press on the brake pedal to Remember, be sure to take care of any check that they operate problem you find, or have your Honda normally. Dealer correct it before you ride. Indicators Turn the ignition on and. However, exceeding the weight limit or carrying an unbalanced load can seriously impair your motorcycle’s handling, Overloading or improper loading braking, and stability.

Non-Honda can cause a crash and you can be seriously hurt or killed. Accessories, improper modifications, and. If you wish to carry more cargo, check with your Honda dealer for advice, and be maximum cargo weight: sure to read the information regarding 7 lbs (3 kg).

Load Limits & Guidelines Follow these guidelines whenever you Do not attach large or heavy items (such carry a passenger or cargo: as a sleeping bag or tent) to the Check that both tires are properly handlebar, forks, or fender. Inflated, and that pressure in the rear tire is increased to suit the load (page. Basic Operation & Riding This section gives basic riding instructions, Safe Riding Precautions.including how to start and stop your Starting & Stopping the Engine. Engine, and how to use the throttle, clutch, Preparation. It also provides important Starting Procedure. Safe Riding Precautions Before riding your motorcycle for the first time, please review the Motorcycle Saf ety section beginning on page 1, and the Bef ore Riding section beginning on page Even if you have ridden other motorcycles, take time to become familiar with how this motorcycle works and handles. Starting & Stopping the Engine Always follow the proper starting clutch lever pulled in.

After starting with procedure described below. The side stand down, the engine will stop if the transmission is put in gear before For your safety, avoid starting or operating raising the side stand.

Starting & Stopping the Engine The low oil pressure indicator should go Starting Procedure off a few seconds after the engine starts. If the low oil pressure indicator lights during operation, stop the engine This motorcycle has a fuel-injected engine immediately and check the engine oil level. Starting & Stopping the Engine Flooded Engine Bank Angle Sensor Ignition Cut-off System If the engine fails to start after repeated attempts, it may be flooded with excess Your motorcycle’s banking (lean angle) fuel.

To clear a flooded engine: sensor system is designed to automatically Leave the engine stop switch set to stop the engine and fuel pump if the RUN. Starting & Stopping the Engine Emergency Engine Stop How to Stop the Engine To stop the engine in an emergency, use the engine stop switch. To operate, press Normal Engine Stop the switch to the OFF position.

To stop the engine, shift into neutral and turn the ignition switch OFF. Shifting Gears As a general rule, shift while moving in a straight line.

Close the throttle and pull the clutch lever in completely before shifting. Improper shifting may damage the engine, transmission, and drive train. Learn to recognize the engagement shifting pattern point as you release the clutch lever. Shifting Gears Avoid downshifting to help slow your Shif ting Up: motorcycle when engine rpm is high.

From 1st to 2nd: 12 mph (20 km/h) Downshifting when engine speed is From 2nd to 3rd: 19 mph (30 km/h) near its allowable maximum may over- From 3rd to 4th: 25 mph (40 km/h) rev the engine and cause possible. Braking Your motorcycle is equipped with disc Gradually increase braking as you feel the braking systems which are hydraulically brakes slowing your speed.

The increase activated. Operating the brake lever in engine compression from downshifting applies the front disc brake.

Depressing will help slow your motorcycle. Braking When possible, reduce your speed or For your safety, exercise extreme caution complete braking before entering a turn. When braking, accelerating or turning. Avoid braking or closing the throttle quickly while turning. Either action may When descending a long, steep grade, cause one or both wheels to slip and use engine compression braking by reduce your control of your motorcycle.

Parking Look for a level parking area. If you Use the side stand to support the can’t park on a paved surface, make motorcycle while parked. Sure the ground surface is firm, To lower the side stand, use your foot especially under the side stand.

Parking RIGHT FRONT Use the steering lock ( ), which locks the handlebar in place. Turn the handlebar all the way to the left. Insert the steering lock key ( ) in the lock, turn the key counterclockwise. Push and turn the key clockwise. Parking Use the helmet holder ( ) to secure your helmet with your motorcycle: Insert the ignition key ( ) and turn it Riding with a helmet attached to counterclockwise to unlock the the holder can interfere with the rear wheel or suspension and holder. Parking If you decide to use an anti-theft device, Theft-prevention Tips select one of good quality and be sure to follow the manufacturer’s instructions. Park your motorcycle in a locked Keep your owner’s manual, current garage whenever possible.

If a garage registration, and insurance information isn’t available, park in a concealed area with your motorcycle. Riding with a Passenger or Cargo Your motorcycle is designed to carry you Before riding with a passenger, make sure and one passenger. Whenever you add a your passenger is wearing the proper passenger or cargo, you must be careful protective apparel (page not to exceed the total load limits for this vehicle (. Basic Operation & Riding.

You’ll also find important safety ‘‘certified’’ to EPA standards. Precautions, information on fuels and oils, and tips for keeping your Honda looking Bef ore You Service Your Honda great.

The Importance of Maintenance. Servicing Your Honda Service Preparations Engine Maintenance Component Locations.Throttle.Side Cover Removal. Clutch System.Tool Kit. Owner’s Manual Storage.Seat Removal. Chassis Clip Removal.

Servicing Your Honda The following table summarizes the three types of inspections and servicing recommendations for your motorcycle. Both the pre-ride inspection and the scheduled maintenance at the recommended intervals are necessary to assure safe and dependable performance. The periodic checks provide additional confidence in your motorcycle’s performance. Maintenance Schedule in this section. If your motorcycle overturns or is involved in a crash, be sure your Honda dealer inspects all major parts, even if you are able to make some of the repairs yourself. Other tasks that are more difficult and require special tools are best performed by professionals.

Wheel removal should normally be handled only by a Honda Failure to properly follow maintenance instructions and technician or other qualified mechanic. Burns from hot motorcycle parts. Keep cigarettes, sparks, and the engine and exhaust system cool flames away from all fuel-related parts. Before touching. Injury from moving parts. Do not run the engine unless instructed to do so.

Servicing Your Honda. Maintenance Safety Remember that your Honda dealer knows your motorcycle best and is fully equipped to maintain and repair it. To ensure the best quality and reliability, use only new Honda Genuine Parts or their equivalents for repair and replacement.

If you have the. It’s a good idea to perform this maintenance any time you clean your motorcycle. Check the odometer reading and perform any scheduled maintenance checks that are needed (page ). Remember, more frequent checks may be needed for riding in severe conditions. Servicing Your Honda. Crankcase Service the crankcase breather more frequently if your motorcycle is Breather ridden in the rain or often at full throttle.

Service the breather if you can see deposits in the transparent section of the drain tube. Servicing Your Honda. We recommend that you have your Honda dealer perform these The service intervals in this Maintenance tasks unless you have advanced Schedule are based on average riding mechanical skills and the required tools conditions. If you do not feel capable of performing a Each item on the maintenance schedule given task or need assistance, remember requires some mechanical knowledge. That your Honda dealer knows your Certain items (particularly those marked motorcycle best and is fully equipped to ) may require more technical maintain and repair it. Service more frequently if the motorcycle is ridden often at full throttle or in the rain. California type only.

Replace every 2 years, or at indicated odometer interval, whichever comes first. Replacement requires mechanical skill. Servicing Your Honda. COOLING SYSTEM SECONDARY AIR SUPPLY SYSTEM EVAPORATIVE EMISSION CONTROL SYSTEM Should be serviced by your Honda dealer, unless you have the proper tools and service data and are mechanically qualified. Refer to the official Honda Service Manual (page Servicing Your Honda.

STEERING HEAD BEARINGS Should be serviced by your Honda dealer, unless you have the proper tools and service data and are mechanically qualified. Refer to the official Honda Service Manual (page In the interest of safety, we recommend these items be serviced only by your Honda dealer. Use the space under Notes to record anything you want to remind yourself about or mention to your dealer. Miles (km) Odometer Date Performed By: Notes (1,000) 4,000 (6,400) 8,000 (12,800) 12,000 (19,200) 16,000 (25,600) 20,000 (32,000) Servicing Your Honda. Maintenance Record Miles (km) Odometer Date Performed By: Notes 24,000 (38,400) 28,000 (44,800) 32,000 (51,200) 36,000 (57,600) 40,000 (64,000) 44,000 (70,400) 48,000 (76,800) 52,000 (83,200) 56,000 (89,600) 60,000 (96,000) 64,000 (102,400) 68,000 (108,800) Servicing Your Honda. Maintenance Component Locations front brake fluid reservoir throttle grip clutch lever front brake lever fuel filler cap Servicing Your Honda. Servicing Your Honda.

Maintenance Component Locations tool kit battery main fuse front brake caliper coolant reserve tank spark plugs final drive gear oil drain bolt final drive gear oil filler cap engine oil filler cap/dipstick Servicing Your Honda. Position the left side cover so the prongs are aligned with the frame grommets. Push the prongs in. (1) left side cover (4) left side cover (2) prongs (3) frame grommets (5) right side cover tabs Servicing Your Honda. Position the right side cover so the prongs are aligned with the frame grommets. Push the prongs in. (1) right side cover (4) right side cover (2) prongs tabs (3) frame grommets (5) left side cover Servicing Your Honda.

Remove the ignition switch cover. Ignition Switch Cover Installation Install the ignition switch cover. Install the clips. An optional, larger tool kit may be available. Check with your Honda dealer’s parts department. (1) tool kit (3) ignition switch (2) ignition switch. ( ) attached to the inside of the right side cover (page Store your other documents in the plastic storage bag attached to the rear fender under the seat (page UNDER SEAT (1) plastic storage bag Servicing Your Honda.

The seat must be removed to access the other documents and to check the color label. (1) seat mounting bolt A (2) collar (3) seat mounting bolts B (4) seat strap (5) rear seat (6) seat mounting bolts C (7) front seat (8) tabs Servicing Your Honda. Install and tighten the seat mounting bolts C. Install the rear seat. Install the seat mounting bolts B and seat strap. Tighten the seat mounting bolts B to the specified torque: 16 lbfft (22 Nm, 2.2 kgfm) Servicing Your Honda.

Press down on the center pin to release Insert the clip into the hole. Lightly press down on the center pin to Pull the clip out of the hole.

Lock the clip. Servicing Your Honda. Use of lower octane gasoline can cause Use only unleaded fuel in your Honda.

Persistent ‘‘pinging’’ or ‘‘spark knock’’ (a Use of leaded fuel will damage the loud rapping noise) which, if severe, can catalytic converter(s). The tank should be refilled as soon as possible when the fuel reserve indicator comes on. (1) ignition key (3) filler neck (2) fuel filler cap Insert the ignition key ( ) in the fuel filler cap ( ) and turn it clockwise. Servicing Your Honda. Remove the ignition key from the cap. Gasoline is highly flammable and explosive.

You can be burned or seriously injured when handling fuel. Stop the engine and keep heat, sparks and flame away. Handle fuel only outdoors. Wipe up spills immediately. Servicing Your Honda.

Changing oil helps get rid of dirt and deposits in the engine. Operating the engine with old or dirty oil can damage your engine. Running the engine with insufficient oil can cause serious damage to the engine and transmission. Servicing Your Honda. Engine Oil & Filter Oil Recommendation suggested oil Pro Honda GN4 4-stroke oil (USA SG or higher & Canada), or Honda 4-stroke oil classification except oils (Canada only), or an equivalent motorcycle oil. Labeled as energy conserving on the circular API. Do not use API SH or higher oils displaying a circular API ‘‘energy conserving’’ service label on the container.

They may affect lubrication and clutch performance. NOT RECOMMENDED Do not use non-detergent, vegetable, or castor based racing oils. Servicing Your Honda.

There are two classes: MA and MB. Oil conforming to the standard is labeled on the oil container. For example, the following label shows the MA classification. (1) code number of the sales company of the oil (2) oil classification Servicing Your Honda. Remove the oil filler cap/dipstick ( ) and wipe it clean. Hold the motorcycle in an upright position.

Insert the oil filler cap/dipstick until it seats, but don’t screw it in. (1) oil filler cap/dipstick (2) upper level mark (3) lower level mark Servicing Your Honda. ( ) –– add the specific performance requirements. Use a recommended oil until it reaches the new Honda Genuine oil filter or a filter of upper level mark. (Do not overfill.) equal quality specified for your model.

Reinstall the oil filler cap/dipstick. If you do not have the skills or the tools, see your Honda dealer. RIGHT FRONT, UNDER ENGINE Drain the Engine Oil: Park the motorcycle on its side stand on a firm, level surface. (4) oil filter Improper disposal of drained f luids is Apply a thin coat of engine oil to the harmf ul to the environment. Rubber seal ( ) of a new oil filter. (5) rubber seal (cont’d) Servicing Your Honda.

If a torque wrench is not used for Install the drain bolts and tighten them installation, see your Honda dealer as soon to the specified torque: as possible to verify proper assembly. 22 lbfft (30 Nm, 3.1 kgfm). Using tap water may cause engine Coolant Recommendation damage. Use Pro Honda HP coolant or an The factory provides a 50/50 solution of equivalent high quality ethylene glycol antifreeze and water in this motorcycle. Increasing the concentration of antifreeze is not recommended because it decreases cooling system performance. Higher concentrations of antifreeze (up to 60%) should only be used to provide additional protection against freezing. Check the cooling system frequently during freezing weather.

Servicing Your Honda. UPPER ( ) and LOWER ( ) level marks. LEFT CENTER If the reserve tank is empty, or if coolant loss is excessive, check for leaks and see your Honda dealer for repair. (1) reserve tank (2) UPPER level mark (3) LOWER level mark (cont’d).

Install the reserve tank cap. Position the left rear cover so the prongs are aligned with the frame (4) bolt (7) frame grommets grommets. (5) left rear cover (8) reserve tank cap Push the prongs in.

(6) prongs Install the bolt. Servicing Your Honda. Saf ety Precautions on page the engine is hot can cause the coolant to spray out, seriously Coolant should be replaced by your Honda scalding you. Dealer, unless you have the proper tools and service data and are mechanically Always let the engine and radiator cool down before removing the qualified. Your Honda dealer can help you determine the correct service interval for your riding conditions. Improper or lack of proper air cleaner maintenance can cause poor perf ormance Your motorcycle’s air cleaner has very. Reinstall the washers and make sure the bolts are tightened securely to the specified torque: 1.1 lbfft (1.5 Nm, 0.2 kgfm) (1) bolts (4) air cleaner (2) washers (5) air cleaner case (3) air cleaner housing cover Servicing Your Honda.

(1) crankcase breather tube plug Place a drain pan under the crankcase breather tube plug ( ). Remove the plug to drain the deposits in the tube. Reinstall the crankcase breather tube plug. Servicing Your Honda. Install the oil filler cap and tighten to Install the oil filler cap and tighten to LEFT REAR the specified torque: the specified torque: 9 lbfft (12 Nm, 1.2 kgfm) (1) oil filler cap (2) oil filler inspection hole Servicing Your Honda. (4) oil filler inspection hole approved manner (page Change the oil with the final drive at normal operating temperature to assure Improper disposal of drained f luids is complete and rapid draining.

Harmf ul to the environment. Servicing Your Honda.

Honda Fury Service Manual

Make sure the final drive oil level is at the lower edge of the oil filler inspection hole ( ). Install the oil filler cap and tighten to the specified torque: 9 lbfft (12 Nm, 1.2 kgfm) Servicing Your Honda. Tighten the lock nut and return the throttle cable boot securely over the (1) throttle cable boot adjuster. (2) adjuster (3) lock nut Servicing Your Honda. Check that the throttle assembly is positioned properly and the securing bolts are tight.

Check for smooth rotation of the throttle from fully open to fully closed in all steering positions. If there is a problem, see your Honda dealer. Servicing Your Honda. Proper freeplay adjustment allows a smooth, gradual Refer to Saf ety Precautions on page engagement when shifting gears. LEFT HANDLEBAR Improper freeplay adjustment can cause premature clutch wear. (1) clutch lever Servicing Your Honda. ( ) increase freeplay ( ) decrease freeplay Loosen the upper lock nut ( ).

Turn the upper clutch cable adjuster ( ) to obtain the specified freeplay. Tighten the upper lock nut and check the freeplay again. Servicing Your Honda. Turn the lower adjusting nut ( ) to obtain the specified freeplay. LEFT SIDE Tighten the lower lock nut and check the adjustment.

(4) lower lock nut (5) lower adjusting nut ( ) increase freeplay ( ) decrease freeplay Servicing Your Honda. Lubricate the clutch cable with a clutch friction discs may be worn. See commercially available cable lubricant your Honda dealer or refer to the official to prevent premature wear and Honda Service Manual (page corrosion. Use only the recommended type of spark plugs in the recommended heat range. Using spark plugs with an improper heat range can cause engine damage.

(1) rear over head cover (2) prongs (3) engine grommets Servicing Your Honda. ( ) are clear of the engine grommets ( ). Remove the front over head center cover ( ). (4) caps (8) prongs (5) bolts (9) engine (6) washers grommets (7) front over head (10) front over head cover center cover (cont’d) Servicing Your Honda.

2016 Honda Fury Service Manual

If the corrosion or deposits are heavy, replace the plug. Clean a carbon or wet-fouled plug with a plug cleaner, if available, or a wire brush. (11) spark plug cap Servicing Your Honda. If a plug is too (12) spark plug gap (13) side electrode tight, the threads may be damaged. With the plug washers attached, thread the spark plugs in by hand to prevent cross-threading. (cont’d) Servicing Your Honda.

Push the prongs in. Install the caps, bolts and washers. Position the rear over head covers on both sides so the prongs are aligned with the engine grommets. Push the prongs in. Servicing Your Honda.

You may adjust the spring pre-load and control the natural compression and the rebound damping of rear suspension rebound of the suspension springs so that system. Traction and comfort are maintained as the wheels ride over road surfaces. Servicing Your Honda.

Do not attempt to disassemble, service, or dispose of the damper; see your Honda dealer. The instructions found in this owner’s manual are limited to adjustments of the shock assembly only. Servicing Your Honda.

At that position, the end of the adjuster knob ( ) should be aligned with the (1) adjuster knob indicator line ( ). This is the standard (2) end of adjuster knob position.

(3) indicator line (cont’d) Servicing Your Honda. To Reduce Spring Pre-load (LOW): For a light load and smooth road conditions, turn the adjuster counterclockwise toward LOW.

To Increase Spring Pre-load (HIGH): For a firmer ride and rough road conditions, turn the adjuster clockwise toward HIGH. Servicing Your Honda. To Increase Rebound Damping (HARD): (1) damping adjuster For a firmer ride and rough road (2) punch mark conditions, turn the adjuster clockwise (3) reference punch mark toward HARD (H). Servicing Your Honda. Brakes The hydraulic braking systems on your air in the brake system.

See your Honda motorcycle dissipate the heat generated by dealer to have the air bled from the system. The friction of the brake pads on the brake Brake Fluid Recommendation discs as the wheels are slowed. If it comes in contact with your If your inspection indicates a low fluid skin, wash with clean water and, if level, have your Honda dealer add the necessary, call a doctor.

Recommended brake fluid. RIGHT HANDLEBAR. Check the fluid level. Front: It should be above the LOWER level mark ( ).

Rear: It should be between the UPPER ( ) and LOWER level ( ) marks. Servicing Your Honda. If either pad is worn to the cutout, replace both pads as a set.

See your Honda dealer for this service. (1) cutouts Servicing Your Honda. Overinflated tires make inflation and maintenance. Your motorcycle ride harshly, are more prone to damage from road hazards, and wear unevenly.

The following pages give detailed information on how and when to check Servicing Your Honda. Tubeless tires have some degree of self- underinflated.

Sealing ability if they are punctured. However, because leakage is often very slow, you should look closely for punctures whenever a tire is not fully inflated. Servicing Your Honda.

Cuts, slits, or cracks in the tires. Replace the tire if you can see fabric or cord. Nails or other foreign objects embedded in the side of the tire or tread. Excessive tread wear. Servicing Your Honda.

0.06 in (1.5 mm) front 0.08 in (2.0 mm) rear Tread Wear If the wear indicators are visible, replace the tire immediately as it is no longer safe. (1) wear indicator (2) wear indicator location mark Servicing Your Honda. 22 07 5 years old.

It is also recommended that all tires be removed from service after 10 years from the date of manufacture, regardless of their condition or state of wear. Servicing Your Honda. Tires This indicates that the tire meets all requirements of the U.S. Department of Transportation. Factory code Tire type code 22 07 Date of manufacture Year Week TIRE LABELING EXAMPLE (1) tire identification number (TIN) Servicing Your Honda. As discussed below, a tire that is (For more information on temporary repaired, either temporarily or repairs, see If You Have a Flat Tire, permanently, will have lower speed and page performance limits than a new or undamaged tire.

Servicing Your Honda. If you have a tire professionally repaired plug patch, can be made if a tire has only a at a non-Honda facility, we recommend small puncture in the tread area. With such that you have the work checked by your a repair, you should not exceed 50 mph Honda dealer. When replacing, use the original equipment tires or equivalent tires of the same size, construction, speed rating, and load range as the originals. Servicing Your Honda. Whenever you replace a tire, remember: to rapidly deflate.

Have the wheel balanced after the tire is installed. Have the tire replaced by your Honda dealer if possible. If you have a tire professionally replaced at a non-Honda facility, we recommend that you have the work checked by your Honda dealer. The engine should stop as you lower the (1) side stand spring side stand. If the engine doesn’t stop, see your Honda dealer for service.

Check that the side stand assembly is working properly. If the side stand is stiff or squeaky, clean the pivot area and lubricate the pivot bolt with clean grease.

Battery posts, terminals and accessories on your motorcycle or do not related accessories contain lead and lead ride frequently, we recommend that you compounds. Wash your hands after charge the battery frequently (see Battery handling. Charging, page Servicing Your Honda. You will get the best storage results from Wear protective clothing and a removing the battery and slow charging it every 30 days (see Battery Charging, face shield, or have a skilled mechanic do the battery page maintenance.

Servicing Your Honda. Disconnect the positive ( ) terminal lead ( ). Pull the battery ( ) out of the battery box. (1) battery band (2) negative ( ) terminal lead (3) positive ( ) terminal lead (4) battery (cont’d) Servicing Your Honda. Clean the battery box after removing the battery for storage.

Dry the battery box and, if paint is missing, re-paint the area. Slow charge the battery (see following section) once every 30 days. Servicing Your Honda.

Battery We recommend using a charger ( ) Battery Charging designed specifically for your Honda, which can be purchased from your Honda Refer to Saf ety Precautions on page dealer. These units can be left connected for long periods without risking damage to the battery. Appearance Care Frequent cleaning and polishing will keep Avoid products that contain harsh your Honda looking newer longer. Detergents or chemical solvents that Frequent cleaning also identifies you as an could damage the metal, paint, and owner who values your motorcycle. A plastic on your motorcycle.

After washing, rinse your motorcycle After cleaning, inspect for damage, thoroughly with plenty of clean water to wear, and leaks (fuel, oil, coolant, and remove any residue. Detergent residue brake fluid). Can corrode alloy parts.

(cont’d) Servicing Your Honda. This will help dry the brakes and restore normal braking performance. If the inside of the headlight lens appears clouded immediately after washing, it should clear after a few minutes of riding.

Servicing Your Honda. If necessary, rub with a sponge. Rinse and dry. Apply a spray cleaner/polish and wipe with a non-abrasive cloth. Dull, corroded chrome or Apply a high quality chrome/aluminum aluminum.

Polish and wipe with a non-abrasive cloth. Servicing Your Honda. These or cleaners containing abrasives or can damage or discolor the paint. Chemical compounds. To keep your Honda looking new, clean After washing, rinse with plenty of water and polish it frequently. And dry with a clean cloth. Saf ety Precautions on page If a surface on your motorcycle is chipped or scratched, your Honda dealer has touch- The exhaust pipe is stainless steel, but may up paint to match your motorcycle’s color.

Become stained by oil or mud. If necessary, Be sure to use your motorcycle’s color. Servicing Your Honda. Tips Here’s a few helpful tips on how to store Storing Your Honda.148 and transport your Honda, and how to be Transporting Your environmentally responsible You & the Environment. Motorcycle owner.

For more information about storage, refer with a 50/50% antifreeze solution to the Honda Winter Storage Guide, (page available from your Honda dealer (USA Fill the fuel tank. Make sure the fuel fill only). Cap is properly installed. We suggest you perform the following procedures to keep your motorcycle in top condition. Storing Your Honda To prevent rusting in the cylinders, With the engine stop switch in the perform the following: RUN position, press the start button Remove the spark plug caps from the several times to crank the engine and spark plugs. Using tape or string, distribute the oil.

Storing Your Honda Store your motorcycle in an unheated area, free of dampness, away from sunlight, with a minimum of daily temperature variation. Place your motorcycle on blocks to lift both tires off the floor. Cover your motorcycle with a porous material.

–– change the engine oil (page If your motorcycle has been stored for more than two months –– ask your Honda dealer to drain and replace the fuel. Charge the battery (page ) as required. Install the battery. Transporting Your Motorcycle If your motorcycle needs to be transported, it should be carried on a motorcycle trailer, or a truck or trailer with a flatbed area. Do not tow your motorcycle, as towing can seriously damage the transmission. When contacting a towing or transporting service, be sure to ask if they have a flatbed area, a loading ramp or power ramp to safely lift the motorcycle, and.

You & the Environment Owning and riding a motorcycle can be Recycle Wastes. It’s illegal and enjoyable, but you must do your part to thoughtless to put used engine oil in the protect nature. Trash, down a drain, or on the ground.

Used oil, gasoline, coolant, and Following are tips on how you can be an cleaning solvents contain poisons that. 1996 polaris xplorer 300 4x4 service manual. Taking Care of the Unexpected This section discusses the more common General Guidelines.problems that can occur with your If Your Engine Quits or Won’t Start. Motorcycle while you’re riding. It tells If You Have a Flat Tire.

Taking Care of the Unexpected Should you ever have a problem while General Guidelines riding, please follow these guidelines: Always put personal safety first. Keeping your motorcycle well-maintained Take time to assess the situation and is the best way to reduce the possibility of your options before deciding what to do. If you have a problem starting the but the engine won’t start symptom. Engine or experience poor engine performance the following information may help you.

If you can’t correct the problem, see your Honda dealer. Taking Care of the Unexpected.

(or dead) battery Charge the battery (page ). If charging doesn’t help, see your Honda dealer. Faulty starter motor If all possible causes are negative, the starter motor may be faulty. See your Honda dealer.

Taking Care of the Unexpected. (page loose or unconnected spark Install the spark plug caps securely. If the engine plug caps still won’t start, see your Honda dealer. Loose battery cables Tighten the battery terminal bolts. Weak battery Charge the battery (page ). If charging doesn’t help, see your Honda dealer. Raise the side stand.

SYMPTOM: Engine starts, but runs poorly. POSSIBLE CAUSE WHAT TO DO idles roughly, too fast, stalls See your Honda dealer. Overheating Check the high coolant temperature indicator. Refer to If Y our Engine Overheats, page low oil pressure Check the low oil pressure indicator.

If applicable, switch to the recommended octane load gasoline (page ) or change your brand of gasoline. If the problem persists, see your Honda dealer. Afterfires (backfires) May damage catalytic converters. See your Honda dealer.

Pre-ignition (runs on after May damage catalytic converters. If a tire has a major puncture or a cut in the tread or sidewall, or the bead has come loose from the rim, there is probably not much you can do except have your motorcycle transported to a Honda dealer Taking Care of the Unexpected. If You Have a Flat Tire repaired. Stop frequently and check the air pressure. If the tire is losing pressure, it Riding your motorcycle with a may be unsafe to continue riding. As the temporary tire repair can be risky. Tire gets low, it will affect the handling of If the temporary repair fails, you your motorcycle (especially with a.

If You Have a Flat Tire Inflate the tire: Tubeless tires have Should You Repair or Replace a some self-sealing ability if they are Tire? Punctured and the result is usually just a slow leak. If this is the case, you can try inflating the tire to see if it will hold air We strongly recommend that you replace, pressure. Refer to Saf ety Precautions on page We recommend wheel removal be done only by your Honda dealer or another qualified mechanic. Do not attempt to remove the wheel on your own.

Wheel removal requires mechanical skill and professional tools. The result will be loss contamination can cause poor brake of brake fluid. If this occurs, the performance or rapid pad wear after brake system will require service. See reassembly.

Your Honda dealer for this service. Taking Care of the Unexpected. If You Have a Flat Tire RIGHT FRONT Installation Install the side collars and position the wheel between the fork legs.

Insert the front axle shaft from the right side, through the right fork leg and wheel hub. Align the index line ( ) of the front axle shaft with the recessed surface ( ) of the fork leg. If You Have a Flat Tire Tighten the axle pinch bolts on the right If the clearances between each surface fork leg to the specified torque: of the brake disc and the brake bracket 16 lbfft (22 Nm, 2.2 kgfm) ( ) (not the brake pads) are Tighten the front axle bolt to the symmetrical, follow next step. Tighten the axle pinch bolts on the left If a torque wrench was not used for fork leg to the specified torque: installation, see your Honda dealer as soon 16 lbfft (22 Nm, 2.2 kgfm) as possible to verify proper assembly. Refer to Saf ety Precautions on page We recommend wheel removal be done only by your Honda dealer or another qualified mechanic.

Do not attempt to remove the wheel on your own. Wheel removal requires mechanical skill and professional tools. If You Have a Flat Tire Remove the muffler bracket bolt A ( ), Remove the axle holding bolt ( ) and B ( ), nuts ( ) and washers ( ). Remove the muffler. While holding the other end of the rear axle shaft ( ) with a wrench, remove RIGHT REAR the rear axle nut ( ) and washer (.

If You Have a Flat Tire RIGHT REAR Slide the rear axle shaft to the left side until the rear wheel can be removed. (13) Do not pull the rear axle shaft out (11) completely. Remove the rear brake bracket ( ). Move the wheel to the right to separate it from the final drive gear case ( Remove the wheel and side collar.

Push the rear axle shaft from the left (USA only: Pro Honda Moly 60 Paste, or side, through the wheel hub and rear equivalent). Brake bracket.

After installing the wheel, apply the If a torque wrench was not used for brake several times. Check for free installation, see your Honda dealer as soon wheel rotation after the brake is as possible to verify proper assembly. Recheck the wheel if the brake Improper assembly may lead to loss of drags or the wheel does not rotate freely.

If Your Engine Overheats Normally, the temperature of the coolant in the cooling system will rise to a level about midway between cold and boiling. Continuing to ride with an overheated Hot weather may cause the temperature to engine can cause serious engine damage. Rise higher than normal. If Your Engine Overheats Check the radiator fan. The engine needs repair.

Transport If the fan is not working, turn the your motorcycle to a Honda dealer engine off. Open the fuse box (page (page ) and check the radiator fan If the temperature drops to normal, fuse. If the indicator goes off and there is no leak –– resume riding.

If there is a leak –– do not ride the motorcycle until the leak is repaired by a Honda dealer. Taking Care of the Unexpected. If a Fuse Blows All of the electrical circuits on your The main fuse and spare are located on motorcycle have fuses to protect them the starter magnetic switch behind the from damage caused by excess current left side cover. Flow (short circuit or overload). If a Fuse Blows LEFT SIDE Main Fuse Access: To access the main fuse ( ), remove the left side cover (page Disconnect the wire connector ( ) of the starter magnetic switch ( ). Pull the main fuse out. If it is blown ( ), install the spare main fuse ( ).

If a Fuse Blows CIRCUIT FUSE Circuit Fuse Access: To access the circuit fuses, remove the right side cover (page Remove the fuse box cover ( ). RIGHT SIDE (8) blown fuse If you do not have a replacement fuse with the proper rating for the circuit, install one with a lower rating. Honda dealer. If you replace a blown fuse with a spare fuse that has a lower rating, replace the fuse with the correct rating as soon as you can.

Also, be sure person or vehicle is involved in the crash. To have your Honda dealer check the frame and suspension after any serious If you decide that you are capable of crash. They may have it listed in their records. If they don’t, transport your motorcycle to them or the nearest Honda dealer.

Bump starting is also not recommended. If you can’t charge the battery or it appears unable to hold a charge, contact your Honda dealer. Taking Care of the Unexpected.

Technical Information This section contains dimensions, Vehicle Identification.capacities, and other technical data, plus Specifications.information on government requirements Break-in Guidelines.and how to break-in your motorcycle. Emission Control Systems.Catalytic Converters.Oxygenated Fuels. Technical Information. Vehicle Identification The VIN (vehicle identification number) Serial Numbers is stamped on the right side of steering head and also appears on the Safety The VIN and engine serial number are Certification Label attached to the left required when you register your side of the down tube. Vehicle Identification RIGHT SIDE The engine number ( ) is stamped on the top of the crankcase. LEFT SIDE (2) VIN (3) engine number Technical Information. Vehicle Identification UNDER SEAT Color Label & Code The color label ( ) is attached to the frame under the seat.

Remove the seat (page ) to check the label. The color code is helpful when ordering replacement parts. You may record the color and code in the Quick Reference section at the rear of this manual. Specifications Dimensions 100.5 in (2,552 mm) overall length 35.3 in (897 mm) overall width 45.3 in (1,151 mm) overall height 71.0 in (1,804 mm) wheelbase 4.9 in (125 mm) ground clearance Technical Information.