Apega Exam Dates Study Guide

// // // Technical Technical Exams Technical exams confirm the quality, depth, and breadth of your engineering or geoscience degree. The exams are based on university courses. Do I Need to Write Technical Exams? When the APEGA Board of Examiners (BOE) reviews your application, it may decide that you need to write technical exams or take equivalent university courses. You also have the option to take equivalent instead of writing the exams.

  1. Apega Exam Dates Study Guide Answers

Apega Exam Dates Study Guide Answers

If the BOE decides you need to take an exam or course, APEGA will mail you an assessment letter. The letter will state:. if you must write exams and/or take courses. which exams and/or courses you must take. what you must do after passing the exams or completing the courses After receiving the assessment letter, you have 3 options:. write the exams and/or take the courses.

request a or. Exam Types Technical exams are grouped in the following categories:. Preliminary and Basic Studies. Complimentary Studies. Discipline Specific (Group A & B) The BOE letter will list which exams you must take. For example:. 04-BS-7, 10, 13.

16-CHEM-A1, A3, B5. 98-CS-2 This means that you must take 3 Basic Studies exams, 3 Chemical Engineering exams (2 from Group A and 1 from Group B from the Chemical Engineering syllabi and exam descriptions), as well as 1 Complimentary Studies. Registering for Technical Exams Technical exams are offered each May and December. About four months before that we will post the exam dates on this page, and you will be able to register for the exams in the Member Self-Service Centre. You can write a maximum of six technical exams per exam session.

After APEGA has processed your application, we will email you your confirmation and receipt. Exam Fees Each technical exam you register for has a fee of $250 + GST.

You can also request a for $261.90 + GST, or $275 total Exam Dates Exam Dates Registration Deadline May 6-10, 2019 February 18, 2019 Rescheduling & Cancelling To reschedule or cancel your exam, email before the registration deadline. You will not receive a refund if you reschedule or cancel after the registration deadline.

Writing Technical Exams You can write a technical exam at APEGA's offices in. If you obtain APEGA's approval, you can write the exams at a different engineering or geoscience regulatory association in Canada. You will have three hours to write most exams.

Some exams are open book, and some exams allow only limited items in the exam room. APEGA will provide you with all of these details about one month before the exam date. APEGA does not write or administer the exam. Therefore, we do not know the number of questions, the format of questions (for example, short answer or multiple choice), or total marks available. Study Materials For engineering exams, or geoscience exams that have an engineering equivalent, you can view Professional Engineers Ontario's list of suggested.


For geoscience exams, or for exams 98-CS-2 or 98-CS-3, an exam information document from the examiner will be emailed to you as soon as it becomes available. It outlines recommended textbooks, exam format, and permissible materials for your exams. After APEGA has received your application, allow 4-5 weeks for delivery. Exam questions are based on the exam description in the APEGA syllabus and not the textbooks. Use the textbooks as general guides only and supplement them with additional textbooks of your choice.

APEGA does not provide samples of past technical exams. However, the Association of Professional Engineers and Geoscientists of British Columbia does list for engineering and geoscience. Special Accommodations APEGA can accommodate special needs because of a medical condition, including:.

extended testing time. extra breaks. reduced-distraction testing rooms. larger font To submit a request, email to obtain the special accommodation instructions and forms. You must submit the special accommodation forms before the registration deadline or your request cannot be accommodated.

Exam Results A score of 50% or greater is required to pass. Once exam results are processed, we will email you that you can view your results in the. We will also mail you an official letter with the exam results. We will not release results by telephone or in person. We do not return exams to the applicants, nor do we provide answers to exam questions. If you failed your exam, we automatically review it to confirm the score.

You can request a formal re-read of your exam for a non-refundable fee of $261.90 + GST, for a total of $275. Failed Exams There are no penalties for failing an exam, but you must pass the exams assessed to you by the Board of Examiners within the time-frame specified.


You do not have to clear any failed exams to move on to another exam. You may write the exams in any order you wish.