Jump Manual Jacob Hiller

You’ve probably read tons of reviews online trying to figure out if you should get it. You’ve probably noticed that most of those reviews also appear to be written by people who are just trying to market the program. This made me a bit frustrated, so I decided to write this review based on my actual experience with the program. For several years (including my entire high school basketball career) I struggled to find a program that would increase my vertical jump. I primarily focused my efforts on the Air Alert program (versions 1, 2 and 3). Unfortunately, I never saw much improvement. Please note that this is not my attempt to bash other programs.

However, I do think it’s fair to voice my opinion about programs I’ve tried and the results I’ve gotten. I think that it’s also fair to you as a consumer and as an athlete to be able to receive accurate information. After my senior year of high school I decided to move on to other programs. The first one I came across was the Jump Manual. I had never heard of Jacob Hiller (the author), but I had heard good things from other athletes who had used the program. Since I had nothing to lose, I decided to try it out. My Results After 12 Weeks The program is based on 2 week cycles that are meant to be repeated.

The goal is to repeat these 2 week cycles for about 12 weeks and then take some time off from training. Since I was trying something new I wanted to make sure I followed the program as closely as possible to make sure I got an accurate assessment of its effectiveness. Unfortunately, I did miss 1 full week of training due to a sprained ankle.

The good thing is that I still ended up with good results. After 12 weeks of training with the program I managed to gain 8 inches on my vertical jump. This was awesome for me! It was the first time that I had really seen results from all of my hard work, and it was a huge relief for me to see that I had finally found something that worked. Feedback From Other Users My results listed above are from almost 5 years ago. I was probably one of the earlier users of the program, so there weren’t many testimonials to go off of at that point.

I just had to hope that it was going to work. Fortunately, it did! I’ve gotten feedback from other people who have had similar results to mine.

Below is a video from a guy who got his first dunk after using the JM. This video shows the first time he was able to get a dunk. I remember how my first dunk felt, and there’s nothing like it! If that’s not motivation for you to try this program I don’t know what is. Jack Woodrup, a vertical jump trainer I highly respect, also had this to say about Jacob Hiller’s program.

Will You Gain 10 Inches in 12 Weeks? Gaining 10 inches in 12 weeks is definitely possible. However, I should mention that it’s also very difficult. If you want to achieve that sort of success you’re going to need to follow the program exactly.

Even then you’re not guaranteed to gain that much. Just trying to be honest with you. What I can tell you is that there are certain things you should do to make sure you get the best results from the program. Below are a few simple things I learned by using the program that would have helped me gain more inches.

Watch what you eat! It’s very important that you don’t put on fat during your training. Any non-functional weight (e.g., fat) that you put on is going to greatly limit your gains. Eat healthy foods and avoid sugars and fats. Train like you mean it.

If you want awesome results, you need to train like it. When you do the you can’t just go through the motions and call it a day. You really need to put all your effort into each rep of each exercise. If you don’t force your body to think that it needs to jump higher through intense training and, you won’t jump higher. Don’t overtrain. Back when I did the program I was under the impression that more was better. I added in several exercises on top of what was already prescribed in the program thinking that this would help me get better gains.

This is referred to as overtraining, and if you workout too much you might actually lose gains. Luckily, I still gained a substantial amount of inches, but I think I could have done better. Things I Would Like to See Added to the Program Without a doubt, the Jump Manual is an excellent program that gets results. However, this wouldn’t be a proper review without noting a couple of things that I would like to see improved.

First, I would like it if Jacob would add a follow-up beyond the 12 weeks. What I mean is that once you are done with the 12 weeks there isn’t really anywhere to go except back to the beginning and start over again. I guess the one thing that kind of covers this is Jacob’s persistent push for progressive overload. This basically means that each week you step up the reps, weight or both. Doing the 12 week cycle again with higher reps/weights should do the trickbut it would just be nice to have a little variety added. The second thing is that the visual descriptions of the exercises in the program aren’t all that great.

They are basically just animated GIF images. That being said, they still do a pretty good job of teaching you how to do the and weight lifting exercises. I guess it’s more of an aesthetic complaint than anything else.

Conclusion So, would I recommend this program? As you probably guessed, yes! I’ve had great results with the program, and as you saw in the above video other people have, too.

If you really want to improve your vertical jump and overall athletic ability you need to get it. Being able to jump over and dominate your opponents is an awesome feeling! And for those of you seeking your first dunk, you’ll be feeling like Michael Jordan when you first get it. I know I did! If you have any questions about the program please leave a comment below. I’d be more than happy to help out fellow JM users.

Also, if you’ve used the program before please leave your thoughts in the comment section. I’m always interested to hear about other people’s experiences.

Most of my basketball idols growing up were high flying athletic freaks like Michael Jordan, Allen Iverson, and Kobe. Watching them throw done nasty dunks inspired late night dreams of myself doing the same in front of thousands in packed arenas. The unfortunate truth is that most of us will never be tall enough or athletic enough to accomplish such feats. But with the help of specific techniques and targeted training we can maximize our abilities so that we can get every inch out of the cards we’ve been dealt. This is where the Jump Manual comes in to play.

Created by Jacob Hiller in 2008, the Jump Manual uses training techniques that Jacob taught himself over the course of several years to turn himself into an exceptional dunker for his height of 6’3″. What’s Included There are several resources included in the Jump Manual. Here is a brief summary of each: 1. Introduction This one is pretty self-explanatory. The introduction gives a background on Jacob Hiller and how he came to develop the Jump Manual program. In summary, it states that Jacob has always been obsessed with obtaining a high vertical. He had always been in great shape and could dunk before learning his techniques, but barely.

After discovering these techniques through experimentation, his vertical leaping ability exploded over the course of about three months. At the end of the three month period Jacob could dunk from outside the lane, and do 360 dunks, tomahawks, and other advanced dunks. Essential Variables of Explosiveness. Jacob Hiller discussing variables of explosiveness In this section Jacob breaks down what he considers the essential variables of explosiveness that lead to maximum vertical jumping gains. These include:. Strength.

Quickness. Neurological Recruitment and Conditioning. Fuel.

Stability and Balance. Form. Flexibility. Body Composition. Hereditary Factors 3.

Jacob hiller jump manual pdf download

The Science of Optimal Results Essentially Jacob Hiller discusses the difference between working out for muscle strength and muscle endurance. Knowing the difference between these two is important as doing the wrong one will essentially mean you are wasting your time if your goal is to increase your vertical jump. Laws of Vertical Jump Improvement In this section Jacob provides you with nine basic fundamental “laws” to follow to help you in your journey to improve your vertical jump. I will provide three of the laws below to give you a preview of what these are all about. Strength X Quickness = Explosion. Train Explosion, Not Endurance. If you are pacing yourself, stop and restart 5.

Eating for Maximum Gains. The Jump Program emphasizes the importance of diet in maximizing vertical jumping gains This section goes into detail on how nutrition plays a key role in helping you progress through the program. Some of the information is good, but I feel some of the information is outdated as it is now 10 years old. At the end of the day all the information provided in this section can be obtained for free elsewhere. “Optional” Equipment for Vertical Jump Drills In this section Jacob lists different pieces of equipment that he suggests you have to complete the vertical jumping exercises. The equipment listed includes:.

Speed rope. Medicine ball.

Basketball. A weight room. A jump box While Jacob says these are optional, I would consider these required as almost all the exercises utilize at least one of these pieces of equipment. If you are going to spend the money on the program you might as well invest in the equipment and do the program properly or not do it at all.

Jumper’s Forum The jumper’s forum allows users to ask questions and get feedback from other participants. Unfortunately, I have not been able to get the Jumper’s forum to load so I’m not sure why it is down. Either way, the program works, but don’t expect to be able to access this resource. If this changes I’ll let you know.

Pre-Workout Stretches and Warm-Ups This section breaks down some basic stretches and warm ups to do before going into the actual Jump Manual workouts. Essentially, you will do some light activity for 5-10 minutes such as jogging, and then transition into static stretching.

Most of the stretches you will be familiar with, but there are a few that I had not done before. Overall, nothing mind blowing here, just what you need to get your body ready for the workout. Max-Explosion Workout. Example of a Max-Explosion Exercise: “ Leg Chair Rockets” The meat of the Jump Manual Program, the. Exercises done in the max-explosion training program include plyometric exercises and strength training movements using weights. Each exercise has a primary exercise with unweighted alternatives if you cannot do the primary movement or do not have the necessary equipment.

It is recommended that you test your vertical before every workout to test progress. Jacob also strongly suggests that you take extra rest days until you are no longer sore as not doing so will only slow your progress and waste your energy. Post-Workout Jacob gives some recommendations for how to proceed after your workout. The basics of this advice includes eating protein immediately after working out, cooling down, and doing the same stretching routine as you did in the pre-workout routine. Progress and Sustained Increase After the 12-week program Jacob Hiller invites you to contact him to get more specific recommendations on how to further your training so that you see even greater gains. Instant Inches This is a whole other section outside of the 12-week Max-Explosion workout routine that breaks down how proper jumping technique will help you gain inches to your vertical jump instantly. Jacob also includes some extra stretches and talks about several components of the jumping process so that you can maximize your jumping abilities immediately.

Strengths of the Program There is a lot to like about the Jump Manual. Here are a few of the most noteworthy positives about the program. 12 Weeks in Length Having a vertical jumping program that is 12 weeks long gives more time to see the gains from your work compared to other programs like. At around three months, there is no doubt that if you do the Jump Manual Program properly you will see huge gains in your vertical jumping ability and many of you will turn into dunkers. Mix of Plyometrics and Strength Training Weight training works and I like that it is a central part of the Jump Manual Program. But not just any strength training, in the Jump Manual you learn to do explosive movements with weights that directly target the muscles involved in the jumping motion. On top of the strength training the Jump Manual also includes a healthy doses of plyometrics which are also essential to your success.

Doing both in tandem gives you the best opportunity to gain the maximum number of inches to your vertical jump. PDF Trackers Included in the program are several PDF trackers that help you keep track of your progress as you work through the program.

Jump Manual Jacob Hiller Free Download

I like this because it helps you know where you are at and you can see how far you have come. Lastly, it helps you stay organized. Other Resources There are a lot of extra resources included in the Jump Manual Program that are included as part of the regular purchase price. First, the Instant Inches extra shows you how to get more inches out of your vertical simply by practicing proper jumping techniques. Second, the lean power protocol is a full diet including 300 recipes. It is essentially an intermittent fasting diet (something I already do on my on my own, and highly recommend).

Pro Jump Manual

Third, Beast Hoops is a strength training program designed to help you get strong without messing up your shooting technique. Fourth, Jacob Hiller interviews Dave Hopla, an NBA shooting coach. Fifth, Jacob Hiller interviews Tim Gallwey on how to get and stay in the zone. Sixth, Jacob interviews Dr. Patrick Cohn about playing out of your mind.

Jacob hiller jump manual login

As you can see there are a lot of extras included in the Jump Manual for free. There are other extras, but they do cost a separate fee. What Could Be Better There are a few things we’d like to see changed or updated from the Jump Manual Program. Requires Weights. The Jump Manual Requires Weights to Train The Jump Manual is a high maintenance vertical jump program in terms of the equipment required. To really complete this program properly you will need access to a weight room as well as other types of gym equipment.

Thankfully, Jacob Hiller does give some alternative exercises that can be done if you don’t have access to weights, but it is obvious that not being able to do the recommended weight bearing exercises is a disadvantage and could negatively impact your results. Disorganized The Jump Manual originally came out about 10 years ago and over that time it is apparent that Jacob Hiller has added more information to make the program better. However, he has done a poor job at trimming outdated and old information which has made the program a bit bloated and disorganized. Due to this the program is a bit disorganized and hard to follow. Be sure to utilize the downloadable PDFs that come with the program to help you stay on track. Videos Are Old I’m surprised that Jacob has not taken the time to update some of the videos in his program.

While most of it is still relevant today it simply looks dated. We’ve come a long way in ten years and many of the videos in the Jump Manual Program appear to have been recorded on a flip phone in between games of snake.

Jacob Hiller Jump Manual Login

They work, but they simply do not look professional and feel a bit lackluster when you consider the price of the program. Not For The Injury Prone If you have a history of knee injuries or surgeries, then I’d be hesitant to take on this program. Many of the explosive weight training includes jumping with significant weight which not only requires perfect form but a healthy body. Don’t overdue it and be honest with yourself about what your body is capable of doing. If this is too much then consider the plyometric based. Final Thoughts The Jump Manual is the O.G.

Of vertical jump training programs and for good reason. It is doesn’t play around and requires a serious level of commitment, but delivers results to those who are able to make it through a tough 12 weeks of training. Before buying I highly recommend you make sure you have access to all the required equipment I mentioned in this review and a weight room at the local gym. If you are in good shape now and do not have a history of injury then the Jump Manual will probably give you maximum results due to the use of weights and the 12 week program length. For those who do have a history of injury or are just getting into the swing of things I would recommend as it is a shorter program and does not require weight training while still getting good results. At the end of the day, the program that is best for you will come down to your personal history and vertical jump training goals.